Ram Gopal
at Warwick Business School
- Warwick Business School
Warwick Business School
Ram D. Gopal is the Information Systems Society's Distinguished Fellow and a Professor of Information Systems and Management at the Warwick Business School. He previously served as the Head of the Department of Operations and Information Management in the School of Business, University of Connecticut from 2008-2018. As the Department Head, he initiated a new Master of Science degree program in Business Analytics and Project Management in 2011 and an undergraduate business major in Business Data Analytics in 2014. He has a diverse and a rich portfolio of research that spans big data analytics, health informatics, financial technologies, information security, privacy and valuation, intellectual property rights, online market design and business impacts of technology. His research has appeared in Management Science, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Information Systems Research, Journal of Business, Journal of Law and Economics, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, and other journals and conference proceedings. He is currently a Senior Editor of Information Systems Research and has held editorial positions at Decision Sciences, Journal of Database Management, Information Systems Frontiers, and Journal of Management Sciences. He served as the President of the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems organization from 2016 to 2018.
Journal Articles
- Yaraghi, N., West, D., Gopal, R. D. and Ramesh, R. (2020) "(How) did attack advertisements increase affordable care act enrollments?", PLoS One, 15, 2, e0228185
- Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. and Gopal, R. (2020) "Impact of gamification on perceptions of word-of-mouth contributors and actions of word-of-mouth consumers", MIS Quarterly
- Langer, N., Gopal, R. and Bapna, R. (2020) "Onward and upward? An empirical investigation of gender and promotions in Information Technology Services", Information Systems Research
- Gopal, R., Hidaji, H., Kutlu, S., Patterson, R. A., Rolland, E. and Zhdanov, D. (2020) "Real or not? Identifying untrustworthy news websites using third-party partnerships", ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
- Triantoro, T., Gopal, R. D., Benbunan-Fich, R. and Lang, G. (2020) "Personality and games : enhancing online surveys through gamification", Information Technology and Management
- Yaraghi, N., Gopal, R. D. and Ramesh, R. (2019) "Doctors’ orders or patients’ preferences? Examining the role of physicians in patients’ privacy decisions on Health Information Exchange Platforms", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 928-952
- Huang, T., Bergman, D. and Gopal, R. (2019) "Predictive and prescriptive analytics for location selection of add‐on retail products", Production and Operations Management
- Gopal, R. D., Hidaji, H., Patterson, R. A., Rolland, E. and Zhdanov, D. (2018) "How much to share with third parties? User privacy concerns and website dilemmas", MIS Quarterly , 42, 1, 143-164
- Han, X., Yaraghi, N. and Gopal, R. (2017) "Winning at all costs : analysis of inflation in nursing homes’ rating system", Production and Operations Management, 27, 2, 215-233
- Gopal, R., Hidaji, H., Patterson, R. A., Rolland, E. and Zhdanov, D. (2016) "Design improvements for message propagation in malleable social networks", Production and Operations Management, 25, 6, 993-1005
- Ransbotham, S., Fichman, R. G., Gopal, R. and Gupta, A. (2016) "Special Section Introduction - Ubiquitous IT and digital vulnerabilities", Information Systems Research, 27, 4, 834-847
- Singh, H., Kryscynski, D., Li, X. and Gopal, R. (2015) "Pipes, pools, and filters : How collaboration networks affect innovative performance", Strategic Management Journal, 37, 8, 1649-1666
- Yaraghi, N., Du, A. Y., Sharman, R., Gopal, R. D. and Ramesh, R. (2015) "Health information exchange as a multisided platform : adoption, usage, and practice involvement in service co-production", Information Systems Research, 26, 1, 1-18
- Du, A. Y., Das, S., Gopal, R. D. and Ramesh, R. (2014) "Optimal management of digital content on tiered infrastructure platforms", Information Systems Research, 25, 4, 730-746
- Mehra, A., Langer, N., Bapna, R. and Gopal, R. (2014) "Estimating returns to training in the Knowledge Economy : a firm-level analysis of small and medium enterprises", MIS Quarterly , 38, 3, 757-771
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