Platon Monokroussos

Visiting Professor at The London School of Economics and Political Science


  • The London School of Economics and Political Science




The London School of Economics and Political Science

Dr. Platon Monokroussos is Founder, Chairman and CEO of HEL.VAL.SA, an Athens-based macro advisory & equity analysis firm. He is also heading the recently-established Athens office of a major investment enterprise that has been initiated by the two top executives and Founding Partners of Brevan Howard and involves investments in the domestic commercial real estate market and in Greek listed equities. Dr. Monokroussos is also Vising Professor in Practice at the Hellenic Observatory of the London School of Economics and Political Science (tenure: 1 December, 2018 – 30 November 2021). Before founding HEL.VAL.SA, Dr. Monokroussos held the position of Group Chief Economist and Deputy General Manager of Eurobank Ergasias S.A. and he was the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Hellenic Bank Association and Greece’s representative at the Chief Economists’ Group (CEG) of the European Banking Federation. Before joining Eurobank, he held high-level positions in leading financial institutions, including ABN AMRO and Bank of America.

Dr. Monokroussos holds a Bachelor's degree in theoretical Mathematics (University of Crete, Greece), Masters Degrees in Economics (Clark University, Worcester, MA USA) and Business Administration (Boston College, Wallace E. Carroll School of Management Boston, MA USA) as well as a Diploma in Business and Corporate Leadership from Harvard Business Publishing. He received his Ph.D. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Doctorate thesis on foreign exchange microstructure). Dr. Monokroussos has written extensively on contemporary macroeconomic and financial issues and has regularly been cited in the international financial press and newswires. Among other works, he co-co-edited the books: “A Financial Crisis Manual – Reflections and the Road Ahead”, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions (October 2015) and “Resolving Private Sector Insolvency: The Experience of the EU Periphery”, Palgrave Macmillan (April 2017)


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