Peter Vincent

Professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London

I am a Professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London. I am interested in the development of novel numerical methods and their application to solve hitherto intractable fluid flow problems in various areas of science and engineering. I am particularly interested in theoretical aspects of high-order numerical methods for unstructured grids, as well as their implementation for modern hardware platforms.



  • Koch MK, Kelly PHJ, Vincent P, 2022, Identification and classification of off-vertex critical points for contour tree construction on unstructured meshes of hexahedra, Ieee Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol:28, ISSN:1077-2626, Pages:5178-5180
  • Caros Roca L, Buxton O, Shigeta T, et al., 2022, Direct numerical simulation of flow over a triangular airfoil under martian atmospheric conditions, Aiaa Journal: Devoted to Aerospace Research and Development, Vol:60, ISSN:0001-1452, Pages:3961-3972
  • Giangaspero G, Witherden F, Vincent P, 2022, Synthetic turbulence generation for high-order scale-resolving simulations on unstructured grids, Aiaa Journal: Devoted to Aerospace Research and Development, Vol:60, ISSN:0001-1452, Pages:1032-1051
  • Akkurt S, Witherden F, Vincent P, 2022, Cache blocking strategies applied to flux reconstruction, Computer Physics Communications, Vol:271, ISSN:0010-4655, Pages:1-9
  • Iyer AS, Abe Y, Vermeire BC, et al., 2021, High-order accurate direct numerical simulation of flow over a MTU-T161 low pressure turbine blade, Computers and Fluids, Vol:226, ISSN:0045-7930


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