Peter Southwick

Director, Photojournalism program Associate Professor, Photojournalism at Boston University


  • Boston University



Boston University

Mr. Southwick spent nearly 30 years as a photojournalist before joining the Boston University faculty as director of the photojournalism program in 2002. He served as director of photography and photo editor at the Boston Globe for 10 years following a decade as a staff photographer for the Boston bureau of the Associated Press, where he won national and regional awards for his photography. Prior to his years at the AP, Southwick worked as a staff photographer for the Boston Herald American and did freelance assignments for Newsweek,Time and Boston Magazine. He has served as judge of the Hearst Foundation national college photojournalism competition and participated in programs at the Poynter Institute, the Eddie Adams Workshop and the Stan Kalish picture-editing workshop. Southwick is a member of the Boston and National press photographers associations and serves as faculty liaison to the BU Center for Digital Imaging Arts.

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Polaroid scientist still believes in the thrill of the instant print

August 24, 2015

Boston Globe (subscription required) Peter Southwick, College of Communication In the 1960s, it was estimated that half the households in the US had a Polaroid camera… Expert quote: “The entire world takes more than 1 trillion pictures a year. People are just snapping away all the time. I think the challenge for this era is, do any […]

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The ethics behind photography

December 5, 2012

CNN Peter Southwick, College of Communication View video

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