Øyvind Lund Martinsen

Head of Department, Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School


  • BI Norwegian Business School




BI Norwegian Business School

Oyvind L. Martinsen is professor in organizational psychology at BI-Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway. He took his PhD in psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen (also in Norway) in 1995 where he was employed from 1990 until 2008 (20% position from 1999).

He came to Norwegian Business School in 1998 as associate professor in leadership and organizational psychology. Here he was also Associate Dean for BI's Master of Management programs from 2003 to 2006. In 2006/2007 he was on leave from BI to be the head of the Norwegian Army's Leadership Research Institute. He is currently professor in organizational psychology and head of department at Department for Leadership and Organizational Behavior at Norwegian Business School.

Martinsen has written several articles in national and international research journals on leadership, personality, motivation, educational psychology, and creativity, and several book chapters and reports on the same topics. He is editor in chief for the Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, and adjunct professor in leadership at the Norwegian Defence University College.

His current research projects are aimed at military leadership, 360 degree leadership evaluations, self-leadership, empowering leadership, motivational and personality influences on insight and creativity.


1995 University of Bergen Ph.D Dr. Philos.


  • 2011 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
  • 1998 - 2011 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor


Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

The relationship between prior experience and creative problem solving performance. International Congress of Psychology 2016; 2016-07-23 - 2016-07-29 BI

Thompson, Geir; Glasø, Lars; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Antecedents and consequences of envy in organizations. International Congress of Psychology; 2016-07-24 - 2016-07-29 BI

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Leadership in language: Differential impact of media language on leadership survey responses. Academy of Management meeting 2015; 2015-08-07 - 2015-08-11 BI

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Schei, Vidar; Selart, Marcus. 

Two Kinds of Leadership and the Role of Self-leadership and Creative Climate on Work Performance. 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology; 2015-05-20 - 2015-05-23 BI NHH

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Schei, Vidar; Selart, Marcus. 

Two kinds of leadership: The role of self-leadership and creativity in leadership on work performance.. NEON konferansen; 2014-11-25 - 2014-11-27 BI NHH

Farstad, Christian; Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Narcissism As Antecedent To Motivation To Lead. European Academy of Management Conference; 2012-06-06 - 2012-06-08 BI

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

The leadership of knowledge workers: mediating and moderating effects. Academy of management annual meeting; 2011-08-12 - 2011-08-16 BI NHH

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Andreassen, Anette, K. B.; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Dark Side of Leadership Development: Can Leadership Development Be Harmful?. 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association; 2010-08-12 - 2010-08-15 BI

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Gimsø, Christian Enger. 

A study on the creative personality, narcissism, and creativity. APA Annual Convention; 2010-08-12 - 2010-08-15 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Self leadership. 14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology; 2009-05-13 - 2009-05-16 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Lang-Ree, Ole Christian; Almås-Sørensen, A.L; Arnulf, Jan Ketil. 

The validity of a five factor model of personality under two different testing conditions. ECP Congress; 2009-07-08 - 2009-07-09 BI FORSV

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Kopperud, Karoline. 

Leading the good working life. Positive impacts of transformational leadership and self leadership. European Conference on Positive Psychology; 2008-07-01 - 2008-07-04 BI

Swanberg, Anne Berit; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Mediator effects of approaches to studying and learning. European Learning Style Information Network, ELSIN Annual conference; 2008-06-23 - 2008-06-25 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

A new 360 degree measure of leadership processes. Forskning ved Institutt for samfunnspsykologi 2004; 2004-12-10 - 2004-12-10 BI

Diseth, Åge; Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Approaches to learning, cognitive style and motivation as predictors of acadamic achievement. ELSIN 2000; 2000-06-13 - 2000-06-14 UiB


Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Hærem, Thorvald. 

Seng-buss-bad-fenomenet. Dagens næringsliv 2017 BI

Amundsen, Stein; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

‘Empowering leadership’ improves firm productivity. LSE Business review 2016 BI HIL

Amundsen, Stein; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Gi makt til de ansatte. Dagens næringsliv 2016 BI HIL

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Amundsen, Stein. 

Power to the people: Empowering leadership increases job satisfaction, effort and creativity and thus improves firm productivity. BI Leadership Magazine 2016 BI HIL

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Ledelstalent. Dagens næringsliv 2011 BI


Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Glasø, Lars; Andreassen, Annette Kristin Bøe; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

The dark side of leadership development : an exploration of the possible downsides of leadership development. Scandinavian Psychologist 2016 ;Volume 3.(e18) p. 1-28 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Furnham, Adrian. 

The Assimilator-Explorer styles and creativity. Personality and Individual Differences 2016 ;Volume 98. p. 297-299 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Furnham, Adrian; Hærem, Thorvald. 

An Integrated Perspective on Insight. Journal of experimental psychology. General 2016 ;Volume 145.(10) p. 1319-1332 BI

Thompson, Geir; Glasø, Lars; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Antecedents and Consequences of Envy. Journal of Social Psychology 2016 ;Volume 156.(2) p. 139-153 BI

Amundsen, Stein; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Linking Empowering Leadership to Job Satisfaction, Work Effort, and Creativity: The Role of Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 2015 ;Volume 22.(3) p. 304-323 BI HIL NTNU

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Bong, Chih How. 

A new approach to psychological measures in leadership research.. Scandinavian Psychologist 2015 ;Volume 2.(e4) BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Furnham, Adrian. 

Cognitive styles and performance on complex, structured tasks. Learning and individual differences 2015 ;Volume 42.(Aug) p. 106-109 BI

Thompson, Geir; Glasø, Lars; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

The relationships between envy and attitudinal and behavioral outcomes at work. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 2015 ;Volume 7.(1) p. 5-18 BI

Amundsen, Stein; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale. Leadership Quarterly 2014 ;Volume 25.(3) p. 487-511 BI HIL NTNU

Amundsen, Stein; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Self-other agreement in empowering leadership: Relationships with leader effectiveness and subordinates' job satisfaction and turnover intention. Leadership Quarterly 2014 ;Volume 25.(4) p. 784-800 BI HIL NTNU

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Bong, Chih How. 

Predicting survey responses: How and why semantics shape survey statistics on Organizational Behaviour. PLoS ONE 2014 ;Volume 9.(9:106361) p. - BI

Buch, Robert; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Kuvaas, Bård. 

The Destructiveness of Laissez-Faire Leadership Behavior: The Mediating Role of Economic Leader-Member Exchange Relationships. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 2014 ;Volume 22.(1) p. 115-124 BI

Kopperud, Karoline; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Humborstad, Sut I Wong. 

Engaging leaders in the eyes of the beholder: On the relationship between transformational leadership, work engagement, service climate, and self-other agreement. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 2014 ;Volume 21.(1) p. 29-42 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Glasø, Lars. 

Lederes personlighet: hva sier forskningen?. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2014 ;Volume 17.(5) p. 26-34 BI FORSV

Martinsen, Øyvind. 

The creative personality: A synthesis and development of the Creative Person Profile. Creativity Research Journal 2011 ;Volume 23.(3) p. 185-202 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind; Diseth, Åge. 

The assimilator–explorer cognitive styles: Factor structure, personality correlates, and relationship to inventiveness. Creativity Research Journal 2011 ;Volume 23.(3) p. 273-283 BI UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind; Nordvik, Hilmar; Østbø, Laila Eriksen. 

The NEO PI-R in a North European Context. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 2011 ;Volume 3.(2) p. 58-75 BI HMR NTNU

Swanberg, Anne Berit; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Personality, approaches to learning and achievement. Educational Psychology 2010 ;Volume 30.(1) p. 75-88 BI

Diseth, Åge; Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Personality traits and achievement motives: Theoretical and empirical relations between the NEO Personality Inventory-revised and the Achievement Motives Scale. Psychological Reports 2009 ;Volume 104.(2) p. 579-592 BI UiB

Dysvik, Anders; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

The relationship between trainees' evaluation of teaching and trainee performance among Norwegian executive students. Educational Psychology 2008 ;Volume 28.(7) p. 747-756 BI

Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Martinsen, Øyvind; Einarsen, Ståle. 

The relationships between creative personality composition, innovative team climate, and team innovativeness; An input-process-output perspective. The Journal of creative behavior 2008 ;Volume 42.(1) p. 13-31 UiB UIS

Martinsen, Øyvind; Nordvik, Hilmar; Østbø, Laila E.. 

Norske versjoner av NEO PI-R og NEO FFI. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2005 ;Volume 42.(5) p. 421-423 UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Introduction to special issue. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2003 ;Volume 47.(3) p. 227-233 BI

Diseth, Åge; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Approaches to learning, cognitive style, and motives as predictors of academic achievement. Educational Psychology 2003 ;Volume 23.(2) p. 195-207 BI UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind. 

The construct of cognitive styles and its implications for creativity. High Ability Studies 1997 ;Volume 8. p. 135-158 UiB


Kopperud, Karoline; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Motiverende ledelse. I: Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016 ISBN 9788202394738. p. 138-167 BI HIOA

Glasø, Lars; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Personlighet og ledelse. I: Personlighetspsykologi. Fagbokforlaget 2015 ISBN 978-82-450-1715-1. p. 315-335 BI

Langvik, Eva Oddrun; Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

En trekkteoretisk tilnærming til personlighet. I: Personlighetspsykologi. Fagbokforlaget 2015 ISBN 978-82-450-1715-1. p. 101-127 BI FORSV NTNU

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Forskning på transformasjonsledelse. I: Transformasjonsledelse. Gyldendal Akademisk 2013 ISBN 978-82-05-44688-5. p. 99-140 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Glasø, Lars. 

Personlighet og ledelse. I: Livet som leder : Lederundersøkelsen 3.0. Fagbokforlaget 2013 ISBN 9788245013467. p. 47-72 BI UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind; Kaufmann, Geir; Furnham, Adrian. 

Cognitive Style and Creativity. I: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Two-Volume Set, 2nd Edition. Elsevier 2011 ISBN 9780123750396. p. 214-221 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Svaar, Øyvind D.. 

graders vurderinger av ledere. I: B. Kuvås (red.), Lønnsomhet gjennom menneskelige ressurser : evidensbasert HRM. Fagbokforlaget 2008 p. 177-200 BI UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Rekruttering. I: S. Einarsen & A. Skogstad (red.), Den dyktige medarbeider. Fagbokforlaget 2005 ISBN 978-82-450-0234-8. p. 347-371 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Strategier for å bedre egen mestringsevne. I: Geir Thompson (red.): Selvledelse. Menneskelig kapital i det nye arbeidslivet. Gyldendal Akademisk 2003 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Ledelse og kompetansestyring. I: Perspektiver på ledelse/Ø.Martinsen (red.). Gyldendal Akademisk 2001 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Selvledelse. I: Perspektiver på ledelse/Ø.Martinsen (red.). Gyldendal Akademisk 2001 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind; Kaufmann, Geir; Riding, R.; Raynor, S.. 

The assimilator-explorer cognitive styles and their relationship to affective-motivational orientations and cognitive performances. I: International perspectives on individual differences. Vol. I: New developments in cognitive/learning styles. Stamford, Connecticut: Ablex Publishing 2000 p. 3-39 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind; Kaufmann, Geir; Runco, M.; Pritzker, S.. 

Cognitive style and creativity. I: Encyclopedia of creativity. New York: Academic Press 1999 p. 273-282 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Kompetanseendring. I: Ledelse, kompetanse og omstilling. Universitetsforlaget 1998 UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Conducting evaluation surveys using internet. I: Crosscultural and linguistic perspectives in European distance learning. : Transcult/Universidad de Granada 1997 UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Kompetanseanskaffelse gjennom rekruttering. I: Strategisk kompetansestyring. Fagbokforlaget 1997 UiB


Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Nyhetssøkende problemløsning. Bergens Tidende 1998 UiB


Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Lederskap - spiller det noen rolle. : Handelshøyskolen BI 2005 (5) BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Lederprosesser. Brukerhåndbok. Oslo: Psi-Assessment as 2004 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Selvledelse. Brukerhåndbok. Oslo: Psi- Assessment as 2004 BI

Martinsen, Øyvind. 

Martinsen, Ø (red): Perspektiver på ledelse. Gyldendal Akademisk 2004 (ISBN 978-82-05-30540-3) 346 p. BI


Einarsen, Ståle; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Skogstad, Anders. 

Organisasjon og ledelse. Gyldendal Akademisk 2017 (ISBN 978-82-05-48188-6) 594 p. BI UiB

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Perspektiver på ledelse. Gyldendal Akademisk 2015 (ISBN 9788205481107) 422 p. BI

Martinsen, Øyvind L.. 

Perspektiver på ledelse. Gyldendal Akademisk 2001 (ISBN 8205298513) 279 p. BI

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