Othman Boujena
Marketing at NEOMA Business School
- NEOMA Business School
NEOMA Business School
Specialization domain(s):
- Relationship Marketing, CRM, Sales Force Management
Othman BOUJENA, is an Associate Professor of Marketing at NEOMA BS. He is also responsible of the Major in Marketing and scientific coordinator of the Specialised Masters in Marketing and Data Analytics. He was the Head of the research center for Markets, Brands & Experiences (MBE) between 2011 and 2014. He holds a PhD from Université Aix-Marseille (IAE Aix-Marseilles Graduate School of Management). He has been a visiting research fellow at New York University in 2013 and Georgia State University in 2005. He teaches Consumer Behaviour, CRM, Digital Marketing, Marketing Strategy, and Marketing Research. His research interests focus on Relationship Marketing, CRM and Sales Force Automation. He is author/ coauthor of several papers in international marketing conferences and journals like AMA, AMS, NCSM, Thought Leadership on the Sales Profession Conference, GSSI Conference, JPSSM journal, ANZMAC, IMP.... He also contributed to many books through chapters on CRM, Customer Centricity, Customer Experience and Loyalty programmes. He also serves as a reviewer for many international conferences and journals like Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), AMA conference, European Marketing Academy Conference, European ACR, Academy of Marketing, European Management Journal, International Conference of French Marketing Association or Academy of Management. He served in 2015 as co-chair of the track Selling and Sales Management and session chair on Sales Management for the AMS Congress in Bari. He was also co-chair of Innovation in Industrial Networks track for the 29th Annual IMP Conference in 2013. He is regularly a guest speaker on CRM, Social Media and Digital Transformation for many executive conferences and workshops.
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