Nuria Ginés Castellet

Associate Professor, Department of Law in ESADE, Contracted Doctoral Professor, Deputy Director, Continuing Education, Assistant , Management of Quality and Programme Development at ESADE Business School


  • ESADE Business School



ESADE Business School

She holds an undergraduate degree with distinction in Law (Universidad de Barcelona, 1996) and a PhD in Law (Universidad Ramon Llull, 2002), earning the maximum mark with her thesis entitled La enajenación de bienes inmuebles con fin de garantía ("The disposal of real estate property as collateral"). She served as Professor of Civil Law at the Universidad de Barcelona Law School and School of Economics (1993-1996) before joining ESADE Law School (1997). Currently, she is an Associate Professor of Civil Law at ESADE Law School (Contracted Doctoral Professor, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2013). She has also been a Visiting Professor at Université Montpellier since 2011 and at Université de Fribourg (Switzerland) since 2012. Her primary areas of research include Collateral Law, Business Law (from a Civil Law perspective) , Contract Law and the principle of private autonomy in Family and Inheritance Law (agreements as to succession and pre-nuptial agreements). She has also participated and continues to be involved in competitive R&D+I projects at the national and autonomous community levels. She has also been a Research Fellow at the Laboratoire de Droit Privé (Université de Montpellier), the Government of Catalonia-AGAUR (2010), the Département de Droit Privé (Université de Fribourg), the Laboratoire de Droit Civil (Université Panthéon-Assas de Paris), the Fordham Law School of Nueva York (2013) and the Dipartamento de Giurisprudenza (Università di Torino). In terms of management positions, she currently serves as the Deputy Director of the ESADE Law and Business School's Programme Development and Quality Unit for the Law School.


  • Doctorado en Derecho. ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Licenciada en Derecho. Universitat de Barcelona

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