Nemanja Radic

Senior Lecturer in Finance Finance and Accounting at Cranfield School of Management


  • Cranfield School of Management



Cranfield School of Management


Nemanja joined Cranfield University in 2018. He was previously a Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University, University of Huddersfield and Lecturer at London Metropolitan University. He also held positions as Visiting Research Fellow at University of Rome III, Italy and at Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic.

He has successfully supervised and externally examined several Doctoral students. Nemanja currently acts as external examiner for Sussex University and Bournemouth University.

He received his PhD in Banking and Finance from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"'', Italy.

Current activities

Nemanja''s broad research interest include areas such as banking, corporate governance, industrial organization and emerging markets. His specialist area focuses on modelling efficiency and competition in financial services industry, shareholder value and risk management, and monetary policy.

His research has been published in top international academic journals such as Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Services Research, Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. He also serves as an ad-hoc referee of a number of journals in Finance, Economics, Econometrics and Statistics, and Operations Research and Management Science subject area. Nemanja is currently serving as the associate editor of Frontiers in Finance and Economics Journal.

Nemanja has also successfully attracted several research grants and presented his work at a number of highly rated international conferences. His work on the Investment Banking Efficiency and Shareholder Value Creation won the IFABS 2011 Best Young Researcher Award.


  • Articles in journals
  • Conference papers
  • Books

Articles In Journals

Conference Papers

  • Mahmud R, Radić N, Fiordelisi F & Badreddine S (2018) Transparency, Risk Disclosure and Bank Level Stability. In: 8th International Conference Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Rome, 4-6 June 2018.
  • Degl’Innocenti M, Mayorga D, Radić N & Wolfe S (2017) Did the Dodd-Frank Act. 2010 enhance the risk exposure of complex bank holding companies in the US?. In: International Risk Management Conference 2017, Florence, 12-14 June 2017.
  • Radić N, Fiordelisi F, Girardone C & Degl’Innocenti M (2016) Business Model, Risk-taking and Competition in Investment Banking. In: Portsmouth-Fordham Conference on Banking & Finance 2016, Portsmouth, 24-25 September 2016.
  • Sharipova A & Radić N (2016) Bank competition and stability in the CIS markets. In: 4th European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE) 2016, Winchester, 12 October 2016.
  • Mare DS & Radić N (2015) Cooperative banks: what do we know about competition, risk preferences and market structure?. In: 15th International Conference on Finance and Banking 2015 on “25 Years of Economic and Financial Transition in Central and Eastern Europe", Prague, 13-14 October 2015.
  • Fiordelisi F, Matousek R & Radić N (2014) Competition and Risk in Japanese Banking. In: 6th International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) conference 2014 on Alternative Futures for Global Banking: Competition, Regulation and Reform, Lisbon, 18-20 June 2014.
  • Degl’Innocenti M & Radić N (2013) Moral Hazard Behavior, Failures and Probability of Bailouts in US Banking Industry. In: Conference on "Banking, Finance, Money and Institutions: The Post Crisis Era", Guildford, 2-3 November 2013.
  • Radić N (2013) Shareholder value efficiency in Japanese banking. In: Italian Academy of Management (AIDEA) 2013, Bicentenary meeting on the role of financial institutions and markets during the crisis and their contribution to economic growth, Lecce, 19-21 September 2013.
  • Fiordelisi F, Girardone C & Radić N (2011) Price Competition, Efficiency and Riskiness in Investment Banking. In: International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) 2011, Conference on financial intermediation, competition and risk, Rome, 30 June - 2 July 2011.
  • Radić N, Fiordelisi F & Girardone C (2009) Efficiency and risk-taking in pre-crisis investment banks. In: European Association of University Teachers of Banking and Finance, 2009 Wolpertinger Annual Conference, Rome, 3-6 September 2009.


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