Neil Stott

Professor University of Cambridge / Co-Director Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education


  • Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education



Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Neil Stott is a Management Practice Professor of Social Innovation, director of the Master of Studies in Social Innovation Programme and Co-Director of the Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation. Neil is a Fellow of the Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society and adjunct professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Newfoundland, Canada. He is also a Fellow in Clayton State University Center of Social Innovation & Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Morrow, USA, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). In 2017, he won the University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor's Public Engagement with Research Award. Neil was Chief Executive of Keystone Development Trust until April 2015. Prior to KDT he worked in local government, charities and community projects.

Research Interests

Neil’s research interests include social innovation, social and community entrepreneurship and the history of social change organisations.

Awards and honours

University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor’s Public Engagement with Research Award, 2017

Publications (selected)

Stott, N. and Fava, M. (2020) "Challenging racialized institutions: a history of black and minority ethnic housing associations in England between 1948 and 2018." Journal of Management History, 26(3): 315-333

Stewart, J., Giugni, L. and Stott, N. (2019) "Equality in the US military: men may be sensitive after all." In: Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society Biennial Conference, 8-10 November 2019, Reston, VA, USA.

Stott, N., Fava, M. and Slawinski, N. (2019) "Community social innovation: taking a long view on community enterprise." In: George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) Handbook of inclusive innovation: the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.145-166

Stott, N. and Tracey, P. (2018) "Organizing and innovating in poor places." Innovation: Organization and Management, 20(1): 1-17

Stott, N., Fava, M., Tracey, P. and Claus, L. (2018) "Leading urgent acts of categorisation: the construction of 'community anchor organizations'." In: Leading Social Innovation Symposium, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 10-14 August 2018, Chicago, IL, USA.

Tracey, P. and Stott, N. (2017) "Social innovation: a window on alternative ways of organizing and innovating." Innovation: Organization and Management, 19(1): 51-60


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