Mounia Ziat

Associate Professor of Information Design and Corporate Communication at Bentley University


  • Bentley University



Bentley University

Relying on her multidisciplinary background, Dr. Ziat's approach to science is holistic; her goals are to better understand perception and human interaction with the natural and artificial environment. For the last eighteen years, she have been studying haptic perception by combining engineering, cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI), and neuroscience to understand all aspects of human touch. From the moment fingers contact a surface to the time information reaches the brain, her research focusses on making sense of sensations that lead to a stable perception of the world. Dr. Ziat holds an Electronic Engineering degree and a Master and Ph.D. in Cognitive Science.


  • Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Cognitive Science 2002 - 2006
  • Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) - Master's degree, Cognitive Science 2001 - 2002
  • Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts - Bachelor's degree, Graphic Design 1998 - 2001
  • Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif - Engineer's degree, Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1992 - 1997

Academic Positions

  • 07. 01 – Bentley University, Associate Professor
    Information Design and Corporate Communication
  • 08. 14 – 06.29 Northern Michigan University, Associate Professor
    Psychology department
  • 04. 14 – to date Northern Michigan University, Director of the Neuroscience Program
    Psychology and Biology departments
  • 08. 11 – 08. 14 Northern Michigan University, Assistant Professor
    Psychology department
  • 03. 09 - 07. 11 Wilfrid Laurier University, Post-Doctoral fellow
    Laurier Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience
  • 07. 07 - 02. 09 McGill University, Post-Doctoral fellow
    Centre for Intelligent Machines
  • 10. 02 – 07. 07 Compiegne University of Technology, Lecturer
    Technology and Human Sciences department

Teaching Interests

Quantitative UX, Usability, Multimodal Experience Design, Human Factors, Research Methods

Research Interests

Haptics and Tactile Perception, Accessibility, Multimodal Perception

Awards and Honors

  • 2022, 2nd Best Demo Award, Eurohaptics'22, Hamburg, Germany
  • 2018, Recipient of the 2018-2019 NMU Technology Innovation Award, Northern Michigan University
  • 2016, Recipient of the 2016-2017 NMU Technology Innovation Award, Northern Michigan University
  • 2015, Recipient of the 2015-2016 NMU Excellence in Scholarship Award, Northern Michigan University
  • 2007, Enactive Post-Doctoral Fellowship, McGill University
  • 2002, Compiegne University of Technology, Scholarship from CIES (France) to support teaching, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne
  • 2002, French Research Ministry: fellowship for graduate study, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne


Journal Articles

  • Duvernoy, B., Kappassov, Z., Topp, S., Milroy, J., Xiao, S., Lacote, I., Abdikarimov, A., Hayward, V., Ziat, M. (2023). HaptiComm: A Touch-Mediated Communication Device for Deafblind Individuals. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Forthcoming.
  • Coe, P., Evreinov, G., Ziat, M., Raisamo, R. (2023). Generating Haptic Sensations over Spherical Surface. Springer Nature Computer Science. Forthcoming.
  • Sethi, T., Ziat, M. (2023). Do light-on-dark displays have measurable benefits to users?. Ergonomics, (1) pp. 15.
  • Raisamo, R., Salminen, K., Rantala, J., Farooq, A., Ziat, M. (2022). Interpersonal Haptic Communication: Review and Directions for the Future. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, (166) pp. 13.
  • Ziat, M., Jhunjhunwala, R., Clepper, G., Kivelson, P. D., Tan, H. (2022). Walking on Paintings: Assessment of Passive Haptic Feedback to Enhance the Immersive Experience. , (127) pp. 18.
  • Burin, D., Salatino, A., Ziat, M. (2022). Editorial: Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology. Frontiers in Psychology. 13 pp. 8.
  • Ziat, M., Saoud, W., Prychitko, S., Servos, P., Grondin, S. (2022). Malleability of time through progress bars and throbbers. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishers, (12) pp. 12.
  • Tsalamlal, M. Y., Rizer, W., Martin, J., Ammi, M., Ziat, M. (2018). Affective communication through air jet stimulation: Evidence from event-related potentials. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, (34) 12 1157--1168.
  • Reed, C. L., Ziat, M. (2018). Haptic Perception: From the Skin to the Brain. Elsevier The Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.
  • Ziat, M., Park, M. K., Kakas, B., Rosenbaum, D. (2018). Potters Make Shorter Pots Under Conditions of Reduced Sensory Input. Perception, (47) 8 860-872.
  • Huggins, J. E., Guger, C., Ziat, M., Zander, T. O., Taylor, D., Tangermann, M., Soria-Frisch, A., Simeral, J., Scherer, R., Rupp, R\"udiger, ., others, . (2017). Workshops of the Sixth International Brain--Computer Interface Meeting: brain--computer interfaces past, present, and future. Brain-Computer Interfaces, (4) 1-2 3--36.
  • Piggott, L., Wagner, S., Ziat, M. (2016). Haptic neurorehabilitation and virtual reality for upper limb paralysis: a review. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, (44) 1-2
  • Savord, A., Wisuri, E., Pless, P., Frissen, I., Ziat, M. (2016). Movement Alteration in Flute Players: Can It Help Us Understand Focal Dystonia?. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, (28) 3
  • Ziat, M., Au, C., Abolhassani, A. H., Clark, J. J. (2012). Enhancing visuospatial map learning through action on cellphones. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), (9) 1 1--15.
  • Frissen, I., Ziat, M., Campion, G., Hayward, V., Guastavino, C. (2012). The effects of voluntary movements on auditory--haptic and haptic--haptic temporal order judgments. Acta Psychologica, (141) 2 140--148.
  • Ziat, M., Hayward, V., Chapman, C. E., Ernst, M. O., Lenay, C. (2010). Tactile suppression of displacement. Experimental brain research, (206) 3 299--310.
  • Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Lenay, C., Lecolinet, E., Mouret, G\'erard, ., Stewart, J. (2007). Espace de perception et seuils de confort pour un zoom haptique en 2D. Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine, (7) 1
  • Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Stewart, J., Lenay, C. (2007). Haptic recognition of shapes at different scales: A comparison of two methods of interaction. Interacting with Computers, (19) 1 121--132.
  • Ziat, M. (2004). Scaling form or sensor: A question for the design of a pseudo-haptic zoom dedicated to PDA. Doctoral Consortium, Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'04).

Book Chapters

  • Ziat, M., Snell, K., Johannessen, C., Raisamo, R. (2018). How Visual Images and Tactile Durations Affect the Emotional Ratings of the Cutaneous-Rabbit Illusion In , (Eds.) Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications. 58--68.
  • Ziat, M., Balcer, Carrie Anne, Shirtz, Andrew, ., Rolison, T. (2016). A Century Later, The Hue-Heat Hypothesis: Does Color Truly Affect Temperature Perception? In , (Eds.) . 273--280. Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications
  • Ziat, M., Wagner, Samantha, Frissen, Ilja, . (2016). Haptic Feedback to Compensate for the Absence of Horizon Cues during Landing In , (Eds.) . 47--54. Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications
  • Ziat, M., Bensmaia, S. (2015). Neuroprosthetics In James Wright, (Eds.) . Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Ziat, M., Lecolinet, E., Gapenne, O., Mouret, G., Lenay, C. (2014). Perceptual strategies under constrained movements on a zoomable haptic mobile device In , (Eds.) Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications. 224--231.
  • Ziat, M., Frissen, I., Campion, G., Hayward, V., Guastavino, C. (2013). Plucked string stiffness affects loudness perception In , (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer
  • Ziat, M., Lenay, C., Gapenne, O., Stewart, J., Ammar, A. A., Aubert, D. (2007). Perceptive supplementation for an access to graphical interfaces In , (Eds.) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. 841--850.
  • Ziat, M. (2007). Zoomable Interfaces, Zoomable experience In , (Eds.) Enaction and Enactive Interfaces, a Handbook of Terms.


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