Michael Boehlje
Distinguished Professor at Cornell CALS
Cornell CALS
Professor Boehlje conducts research and teaches in the area of farm and agribusiness management and finance. His research interests include alternative systems of coordination of the food and industrial product chain, innovation and risk and uncertainty.
Professor Boehlje teaches a graduate/undergraduate course in agricultural finance and a graduate course in economics of strategy in the MS/MBA program. He teaches in the executive development programs of the Center for Food and Agricultural Business, as well as in schools and workshops for farmers, lenders and agribusiness leaders on finance/management/strategy topics.
Boehlje is also involved in applied research and Extension education programs on critical risk/finance/strategy issues facing farmers as part of the Center for Commercial Agriculture. He is a Fellow of the American Agricultural Economics Association and of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association.
Awards & Honors
(2011) Hovde. College of Ag - Purdue University.
(2009) Confined Animal Feeding Operation Team. PUCESA.
(2008) Distinguished Extension/Outreach Program Award for Individual with ten or more years. AAEA.
(2008) Michael D. Boehlje Appreciation Club in the AAEA Foundation. AAEA.
(2007) AICC/New Ventures Team. Purdue Agriculture Team Award.
(2006) New Ventures Team/Agricultural Innovation and Commercialization Center. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Association (PUCESA).
(2004) Fellow. IAMA Association.
(2003) Executive Institute for Commercial Producers Team. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA).
(2003) Team Award. Purdue University cooperative Extension Specialists Association.
(2002) Fellow. American Agricultural Economics Association.
Selected Publications
Gunderson, M., Torres, A., Michael, B., & Rhonda, P. (2018). Feast or Famine. In How to Feed the World. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Johnson, A. M., Boehlje, M. D., & Gunderson, M. A. (2017). Agricultural credit risk and the macroeconomy Determinants of Farm Credit Mid-America PD migrations. Agricultural Finance Review, 77(1), 164-180. doi:10.1108/AFR-06-2016-0057
Gloy, B., & Henderson, J. (2012). U.S. Farm Prosperity: The New Normal or Reversion of the Mean. American Journal of Agricultural Economics Advance Access, 10, 8-Jan.
Gunderson, M. A., Boehlje, M. D., Neves, M., & Sonka, S. (2014). Agribusiness organization and management. In Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems (51–70). Elsevier.
Boehlje, M., Gloy, B., & Henderson, J. (2012). U.S. Farm Prosperity: The New Normal or Reversion to the Mean. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91, 310-317.
Henderson, J., & Gloy, B. (2011). Agriculture"s Boom-Bust Cycles: Is This Time Different?" Economic Review, 4.
Roucan-Kane, M., & Gray, A. (2011). Approaches for Selecting Product Innovation Projects in U.S. Food and Agribusiness Companies Process. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 14(4).
Dobbins, C., Gloy, B., & Hurt, C. (2011). Are Current Farmland Values Reasonable? (PAER 2011), 5-Jan.
Gloy, B., Dobbins, C., Hurt, C., & Baker, T. (2011). Are Economic Fundamentals Driving Farmland Values (web based) Choices, 13. Retrieved from http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/farmland-values/
Economics of Production, Processing, and Marketing. (2011). Midwest Swine Nutrition Conference Proceedings, 10-Mar.
2013 Illinois Soybean Summit - Michael Boehlje
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