Mary O'Brien Pearlman

Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing at Kellogg School of Management


  • Kellogg School of Management



Kellogg School of Management

Mary O'Brien Pearlman is a Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing at Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. She has been teaching in the Marketing Department at Kellogg since 1995.

Professor Pearlman teaches Advertising Strategy at the MBA level. This second-year elective course focuses on the strategy and execution of advertising with a particular emphasis on the strategy behind the creative and the consumer insight behind the strategy. Pearlman has conducted television interviews regarding Superbowl advertising. Pearlman is also a speaker for Kellogg student events and counsels students regularly on career opportunities/decisions.

In addition to teaching at Kellogg, Mary also serves on numerous boards in the Chicago community, including the Chicago Child Care Society (Trustee and Past President, Board of Directors), Northwestern University Women's Board (Past President), IES Abroad (Institute for the International Education of Students Trustee, Board of Directors), and Lincoln Park Zoo Women's Board (President).

Prior to joining the Kellogg faculty, Pearlman worked approximately 10 years at Kraft Foods where she worked in marketing and strategy, and successfully managed businesses including Kraft Natural Cheese, Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese and Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese. She also led the introduction of several new refrigerated products.

Pearlman earned her MBA from Kellogg with a concentration in Marketing and Finance.

Mary lives in Wilmette (suburb of Chicago) with her husband and has three children.


  • MBA, 1985, Finance, Marketing, Northwestern University
  • BS, 1980, Nursing, Ohio State University

Academic Positions

  • Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing and Director of Clinical Faculty Development, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 1994-present

Professional Experience

  • Brand Manager, Manager of Strategy, Kraft Foods Inc., 1985-1994
  • Registered Nurse, Prentice Operating Room, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 1982-1984
  • Registered Nurse, Emergency Room, Children’s Memorial Hospital, 1980-1981

Teaching Interests

  • Advertising strategy

Courses Taught

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