Martin Jes Iversen

Associate professor, Vice Dean Of International Education at CBS Executive


CBS Executive

Primary research areas

Martin Jes Iversen's (MJI) primary research area is strategy and innovation with an empirical focus on contemporary Danish shipping.

MJI's current research concerns strategies and innovation in Danish shipping companies after year 2000, with focus on the case of the Danish shipping company Norden.

His research on strategy can be described as ”post-chandlerian” inspired by the American economic sociologist Neil Fligsteins theory on organisational key-actors, impetus for change and the following concept of strategic regimes (Fligtein, 1990). MJI has published three books based on the regime-theoretic framework in East Asiatic Company/ØK (Iversen, 2016), GN Store Nord (Iversen, 2015) and Finansiel Stabilitet (Iversen, 2013) and the research behind the books has been used in peer reviewed articles concerning the Financial Crises in Scandinavia (Iversen & Sjøgren, 2019); Shipping in Scandinavia (Tenold & Iversen, 2014; Sornn-Friese, Taudal Poulsen & Iversen, 2012).

MJI's research on innovation is focused on the contemporary development of Danish shipping. With inspiration from the late Schumpeter's concept of ”creative response to economic change” (1947) he tries to understand particular business models and digitalization in shipping after 1990.

All his research is embedded in a wider interest in the role of private enterprises in the development of the modern capitalistic societies including the relation between the companies and the state in the processes of economic globalization.


In 2019 Martin Jes Iversen is course responsible for the 15 ECTS point course ”Internship 1” at the BSc in International Shipping and Trade program. The course is based on the fifth semester of the program, and the students are analysing the learning experiences of their internship using selected theories and concepts from their previous courses.

In 2020 MJI will coordinate a new elective entitled ”Strategy and Digitalization - the Maritime Sector” in collaboration with Associate Professor Johannes Luger (SI) and Professor Ioanna Constantiou (DIGI).


Martin Jes Iversen is the supervisor for bachelor projects and master theses with focus on contemporary Danish shipping, in particular in relation to three academic areas:

  • Strategy including business models
  • Innovation including digitalization
  • Corporate responses to institutional change

Other teaching activities

Martin Jes Iversen has been introducing Danish capitalism to international delegations from several universities when they visit CBS:

  • George Washington University
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of South Carolina
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Singapore Management Univeristy

In 2015-2016 Martin Jes Iversen developed a 2 weeks introduction to Danish shipping for a group of students from Singapore Management University.


Courses Taught

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