Mark Cutkosky

at Stanford University (ONLINE)


  • Stanford University (ONLINE)



Stanford University (ONLINE)

Cutkosky applies analyses, simulations, and experiments to the design and control of robotic hands, tactile sensors, and devices for human/computer interaction. In manufacturing, his work focuses on design tools for rapid prototyping.

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Member, Bio-X
  • Member, Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
  • Honors & Awards
  • Presidential Young Investigator Award, National Science Foundation (1986)
  • Anderson Faculty Scholar, Stanford University (1989)
  • Charles M. Pigott Professorship, Stanford University (1994-2001)
  • Fulbright Distinguished Faculty Chair, SSSA Pisa, Italy (2002)
  • Best Inventions of 2006, Time Magazine (2006)


  • Mark Cutkosky. "United States Patent US 7762362 B2 Climbing with dry adhesives"
  • Mark Cutkosky. "United States Patent US 8066088 B2 Biologically inspired climbing device"
  • Mark Cutkosky. "United States Patent US 8491665 B2 Skin stretch tactile feedback device"
  • Mark Cutkosky. "United States Patent US9517610 B2 Grippers based on opposing van der Waals adhesive pads"
  • Mark R. Cutkosky, Paul S Day, Eric V. Eason. "United States Patent US 9908266 B2 Mold Fabrication Method for Gecko-Inspired Adhesives", Leland Stanford Junior University, Mar 6, 2018


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