Louis Pangaro

Professor Chair, Department of Medicine Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences at Harvard Medical School


  • Harvard Medical School




Harvard Medical School


  • Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, DC – M.D. 1973
  • Fellowship in Medicine, Endocrinology, Georgetown University 1978
  • Fellow in Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Walter Reed 1980
  • Stanford University Faculty Development Program 1987
  • The themes of my scholarly work are seen in these selected publications, including studies and essays.

Conceptual Frameworks of Assessment

  • Pangaro L, A New Vocabulary and Other Innovations for Improving Descriptive In-training
  • Evaluations, Academic Medicine, 74: 1203-1207, 1999.
  • Pangaro LN, A Shared Professional Framework for Anatomy and Clinical Clerkships, Clinical Anatomy, 2006, 19: 419-428.
  • Pangaro L, ten Cate O, AMEE Guide - Frameworks for Learner Assessment in Medicine Medical Teacher, 35, 524 – 537, (2013)
  • Pangaro L, Investing in Descriptive Evaluation: a vision for the future of assessment. Medical Teacher. 22(5), 478 - 481, 2000.
  • Rodriguez R, Pangaro L, "Mapping the ACGME competencies to the RIME Framework", Academic Medicine, 87 (12), 1781.
  • Research on RIME and Evaluation Systems
  • Hemmer P, Hawkins R, Jackson J, Pangaro L, Assessing How Well Three Evaluation Methods detect Deficiencies in Medical Students' Professionalism in Two Settings of an Internal Medicine Clerkship, Academic Medicine 75, 167 - 173, 2000.
  • Gaglione MM, Moores L, Pangaro L, Hemmer PA Does Group Discussion of Student Clerkship Performance at an Education Committee Affect an Individual Committee Member’s Decisions? Academic Medicine 80:S55-S58, 2005.
  • DeWitt DE, Carline D , Paauw DS , Pangaro L, A Pilot Study of a "RIME" framework-based Tool for Giving Feedback in a Multi-specialty Longitudinal Clerkship, Medical Education, 42: 1205 -1209, 2008.
  • Standardized Examinees and Simulation
  • Pangaro LN, Worth-Dickstein H, Macmillan K, Shatzer J, Klass D, Performance of "Standardized Examinees" in a Standardized Patient Examination of Clinical Skills, Academic Medicine. 72: 1008 –
  • Worth-Dickstein H, Pangaro L, MacMillan MK, Klass DJ, Shatzer JH Use of "Standardized Examinees" to Screen for Standardized-patient Bias in a Clinical Skills Examination, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 17(1), 9 – 13, 2005.
  • LaRochelle JS, Durning SJ, Pangaro LN, Artino AR, van der Vleuten C, Schuwirth, Impact of Increased Authenticity in Instructional Format on Preclerkship Students' Performance: A Two-Year, Prospective, Randomized Study, Acad Med. Oct;87(10):1341-7, 2012.
  • Assessment of Competence
  • Pangaro LN, Holmboe, “Evaluation Forms and Formal Rating Scales”, Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Clinical Competence, ed Holmboe and Hawkins, Elsevier, 2008, p 24-41.
  • Donato AA , Pangaro L , Smith C, Rencic J , Diaz Y , Mensinger J , Holmboe E, Evaluation of a Novel Assessment Tool for Observing Medical Residents, a Randomized Controlled Trial, Medical Education, 42: 1234-1242, 2008.
  • Durning SJ, LaRochelle J, Pangaro L , Artino A Boulet J, vanr der Vleuten C, Hemmer P ,
  • Does the Authenticity of Preclinical Teaching Format Affect Subsequent Clinical Clerkship Outcomes? A Prospective Randomized Crossover Trial, Teaching Learning in Med. ,(2):177-82, 2012
  • Durning SJ, Artino AR Jr, Pangaro LN, van der Vleuten C, Schuwirth L. Perspective: redefining context in the clinical encounter: implications for research and training in medical education. Academic Medicine , 85(5):894-901, 2010

Curricular Reform, and educational systems

  • PangaroL, The Role and Value of the Basic Sciences in Medical Education: The Perspective of Clinical Education - Students’ Progress from Understanding to Action, J International Assoc of Medical Science EducatorsVolume 20-3 307 – 313, 2010
  • Finnerty EP, Chauvin S, Bonaminio G, Andrews M, Carroll RG, Pangaro LN. Flexner revisited: the role and value of the basic sciences in medical education. Academic Medicine. 85(2):349-55. 2010
  • Pangaro L, Bachicha J, Brodkey A, Chumley-Jones H, Fincher RM, Gelb D, Morgenstern B, Sachdeva A, Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors - A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance for Clinical Education, Teach Learn Med2003 15: 217-222.
  • Pangaro LN, editor, Leadership and Success In Medical Education, American College of Physicians, series on Teaching Internal Medicine (J. Ende, general editor), 2010, ACP Press, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Gimbel R, Pangaro LN, Barbour G, America’s “Undiscovered” Laboratory for Health Service Research, Medical Care, Med Care. 2010 Aug; 48(8):751-

  • Pock A, Pangaro L, Gilliland W, , The "Pillars" of Curriculum Reform" (manuscript #ACADMED-D-13-01220R1, Academic Medicine, accepted for publication,/69.

  • Pangaro L, [invited] Commentary: getting to the next phase in medical education-a role for the vice-chair for education Academic Medicine, 2012 Aug;87(8):999-1001.

  • Faculty Development

  • Roop S, Pangaro L, Measuring the Impact of Clinical Teaching on Student Performance during a Third Year Medicine Clerkship, Amer J Med. 110 (3). 205-209, 2001. (accompanying editorial, by Irby and Papadakis, "Does Good Clinical Teaching Really make a Difference?")

  • Guidebook For Clerkship Directors, co-editor, 3rd edition, Ruth-Marie Fincher general editor, Alliance for Clinical Education, 2005.

  • Schuster B and Pangaro L, Understanding Systems of Education: What to Expect of, and for, Each Faculty Member, in Leadership Careers in Medical Education, ed Pangaro, American College of Physicians, 2010, pp 51-71.

  • Pangaro LN, editor, Leadership and Success In Medical Education, American College of Physicians, series on Teaching Internal Medicine (J. Ende, general editor), 2010, ACP Press, Philadelphia, PA.

Electronic medical record

  • Stephens MB, Gimbel RW, Pangaro L, The RIME/EMR Scheme: An Educational Approach to Clinical Documentation in Electronic Medical Records, Academic Medicine, 86, (1):11-14, 2010
  • Hanson JL, Stephens MB, Pangaro LN, Gimbel RW, Quality of Outpatient Clinical Notes: A Stakeholder- derived Definition with Implications for a Quality Rating Instrument: A Qualitative Study, BMC Health Services Research, Nov 19;12:407, 2012.
  • Harry B. Burke, Albert Hoang, ,1 Dorothy Becher, , 1 Paul Fontelo, ,3 Fang Liu, 3 CAPT Mark Stephens, Louis N. Pangaro, Laura L. Sessums, Patrick O’Malley,, Nancy S. Baxi,Christopher W. Bunt,Maj. Vincent F. Capaldi, Julie M. Chen, Barbara A. Cooper, David A. Djuric,Joshua A. Hodge, Shawn Kane, Charles Magee, Zizette R. Makary, Renee M. Mallory, Thomas Miller, Adam Saperstein, Jessica Servey, Ronald W. Gimbel, QNOTE: A validated instrument for evaluating the quality of clinical notes, J Amer. Informatics Assoc, J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014;0:1–7.


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