Lakshmikanth Penna

Associate Professor


Prof (Retd) Lakshmikanth Rao Penna a.k.a. Lakshmi Penna, B.Com., LL.B., LL.M.(Osmania), LL.M. (Stanford), FSiArb (Singapore) is an Advocate and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore: Advocate, High Court of Andhra Pradesh, India, eligible to practice throughout India: Member, Singapore Income Tax Board of Review: and an Adjudicator, Singapore Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre. He has overall 54 years of legal experience.

He was a consultant in a leading law firm of Singapore, Lee & Lee [2003-2013] and involved in many International Chamber of Commerce arbitrations, notably the one relating to the forfeiture of the Manila Airport Terminal 3. Islamic law of finance and banking, being one of his specialisations, he had briefed the Singapore regulatory authority, on how Islamic banking may facilitated within the existing banking laws.

He had won for the Central Provident Board before the Singapore High Court and the Court of Appeal a case involving the interpretation of statutory powers.

He had briefed the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran in an American company’s claim of US$ 1.4 billion before the US-Iran Claims Tribunal, The Hague, The Netherlands, arising from statutory annulment of oil exploration concessions.

Administrative law, commercial laws, constitutional law, criminal law, Islamic banking law, International commercial arbitrations and international law are his specialisations.

Lakshmi had taught at the Faculty of Law of National University of Singapore [1984-2005] introducing and teaching many post-graduate courses including Indian Business Law and Foreign Investments Law. He also taught at the faculties of law of Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, [1960-1989] and the Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA, [1975].

He has published 12 chapters in books, 30 articles in journals, 3 monographs, 7 technical reports, 5 dissertations and over 30 conference papers.

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