Kimio Kase

Professor at BNU Business School


  • BNU Business School




BNU Business School

Kimio Kase is a Former Collaborator of IESE’s Strategic Management Department. He earned his D.B.A. (Doctor of Business Administration) from Manchester University and his M.B.A. from IESE Business School. He also holds a degree in business science from ICADE and a B.A. from the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Prof. Kase participated in the joint UK-Japan research project on the corporate-level strategy, which was conducted under the aegis of Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry and Manchester University. He was visiting professor at the prestigious China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai in 2001 and taught at Japan’s International Christian University (ICU) in 2006/2007. He also served on the faculty of the International University of Japan, where he taught strategy for two years.

Prof. Kase has extensive corporate experience in the fields of global trade and management. He started off by working for a Japanese global trading house, where he specialized in industrial marketing. He was later appointed director of Price Waterhouse European Firm. Another firm on his curriculum is the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC.

Prof. Kase has written and contributed to several books and articles, published both in Spanish outlets and international journals such as the International Marketing Review and Harvard Deusto Magazine. 2005 saw the publication in the UK of a book he co-authored, titled Transformational CEOs: Leadership and Management Success in Japan, the Japanese version of which was published in November 2006. He also co-authored the book, CEOs as Leaders and Strategy Designers: Explaining the Success of Spanish Banks, which was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2007. Prof. Kase has also drawn up numerous case studies on a wide range of companies and organizations including the Montserrat Monastery.

As a member of IESE’s Center for Sport Business Management, Prof. Kase has conducted extensive research on business and sports activities. His current research, however, mainly centers on the Spanish banking industry.


  • Ph.D. in Business Administration, The University of Manchester
  • Master’s in Business Administration, IESE, University of Navarra
  • Degree in Business Sciences, ICADE
  • BA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Research Interests

Corporate-level strategy, Knowledge Management, Leadership

Courses Taught

  • Strategic Management (Undergraduate)
  • New Economic Order (Graduate)


MainJournal Articles

Campbell N, Goold M, Kase K. 1990. The role of the centre in managing large diversified companies in Japan, Vol. Working paper: 49. Manchester Business School & Ashridge Strategic Management Centre

Kase K. 1992. Management japonés: en busca de un nuevo paradigma. Alta Dirección 161(January-February): 82-90

Kase K. 1996. The Corporate Centre in Japanese Management: an Analysis of its Size from an Information-Processing Perspective, Faculty of Business Administration: 274. The University of Manchester: Manchester, UK

Kase K. 1997a. La diversificación: ¿Por qué unas empresas tienen éxito y otras fracasan?, Directorio de Empresas de Servicios: 6-7. Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos de ESADE: Barcelona

Kase K. 1997b. Paradox in strategic management style: why do Japanese firms have a similar strategic management style, and yet are they so different?, Strategic Management Society Conference: Barcelona, Spain

Kase K. 1998a. Monasterio de Montserrat. ESADE

Kase K. 1998b. Renfe - AVE. ESADE

Kase K. 1999. Estrategia corporativa. In ESADE (Ed.), Cómo Elaborar un Plan Estratégico en la Empresa: 311-328. Cinco Días: Madrid

Kase K. 2002a. Amadeus. International University of Japan Kase K. 2002b. Japan Airlines – Japan Air System. International University of Japan

Kase K. 2002c. Masamoto Yashiro: a transgenic change master. International University of Japan

Kase K. 2002d. Nissan: the Ghosn era. International University of Japan

Kase K. 2002e. Sony Corp. In P Kotler, H Kartajaya, DH Hooi (Eds.), Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Marketing Enterprise in Asia: 111-117. Prentice Hall: Singapore

Kase K, Campbell N, Goold M. 1989. The role of the centre in managing large diversified corporations in Japan, Strategic Management Society Conference: San Francisco

Kase K, Campbell N, Liu JY-S. 1995. The corporate centre in Japanese Management: an analysis of its size from an information-processing perspective, Strategic Management Society Conference: Mexico City

Kase K, de Simón E. 1990. Dirigir la diversidad, Actualidad Económica: 370: Madrid

Kase K, Escóbar F, Parada P. 2001a. Sociedad Boliviana de Cemento (Soboce). ESADE

Kase K, Kinoshita T. 2001b. Development patterns of Spanish MNCs. In T Hara (Ed.), EU Management (EU Keieishi): 1-36. Zeimu Keiri Kyokai: Tokyo

Kase K, Liu JY-S. 1996. Entrepreneurial networking in Japanese management. International Marketing Review 13(3): 13-23

Kase K, Parada P, Castrejón M. 2000. Inter Partner Assistance: 20. ESADE: Barcelona

Kase K. 2005. Nissan: the Ghosn era. IESE Business School Kase K. 2005. Home Delivery Service (Takkyubin): Masao Ogura’s haulage revolution. IESE Business School

Kase K. 2005. Norio Ohga: the fifth president of Sony Corporation: 34. IESE Business School: Urasa, Niigata

Kase K. 2005. Shin-Etsu Chemical’s Chihiro Kanagawa. IESE Business School: Urasa, Niigata

Kase, Kimio, Hernán Riquelme, Francisco Sáez, and Katsuyoshi Kutsuwada. 2005. Transformational CEOs. Nanyang Business Review 4 (1):45-70.

Kase, Kimio, Igancio Urrutia de Hoyos, Carlos Martí, and Enrique Tellechea. 2005. Evaluación estratégica del patrocinio y mecenazgo. MK Marketing+Ventas (203):14-20.

Kase K, Pilar G-L. 2006. Cuando el CEO marca la diferencia. IESE Business School: Barcelona

Kase, Kimio, Hernán Riquelme, Francisco Sáez, and Katsuyoshi Kutsuwada. 2005. Transformational CEOs. Nanyang Business Review 4 (1):45-70.

Kase K, Ribera J, Velamuri R, Videla P. 2005. El poder económico, La Vanguardia, Vol. Dossier July/September: 56-63: Barcelona

Kiyota S, Kase K. 2002. Japan’s life insurance industry: Meiji Life’s decision. International University of Japan

Kase K. 2005. ¿Y Japón? Santelmo: Revista de la Agrupación de miembros, Vol. 18: 22-24: SevillaKase K. 2005. Essay on Japan's sports marketing to venture a hypothesis about the way it operates, Strategy and Sponsorship Review:

Kase K, Gómez S, Urrutia I, Opazo M, Martí C. 2006. Real Madrid CF-Barcelona: análisis de las estrategias económica y deportiva del período 2000-2006. In CSBM (Ed.), Occasional Paper OP 06/12. IESE Business School: Barcelona

Kase K, Urrutia I, Martí C, Opazo M. 2007. The Proto-Image of Real Madrid: implications for marketing and management. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 8(Spanish & Latino Special Edition): 212-233

Llordachs F, Kase K, Sullà E. 1998. Reflexions sobre les aliances estratègiques en el sistema sanitari. Fulles Economics Sistema Sanitari 32(November): 6-12

Lucas Tomás JL, Kase K. 1998. Price Waterhouse (A). ESADE-Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Lucas Tomás JL, Kase K. 2000. PricewaterhouseCoopers Spain. Instituto San Telmo

Trotereau A. 2005. Spécificités et limites du modèle japonais: Interview de Kimio Kase, Business Digest, Vol. 155: 19-20: Paris

Olivares I, Kase K. 2009. Kanta Bophal Children's Hosptials: Dr Ri


Carrascosa J, Damià Y, Kase K, Urrutia I. 2009. Reconversión Organizativa: el Modelo Juande. Netbiblo: La Coruña.

Kase K, Jacopin T. 2007. CEOs as Leaders and Strategy Designers: Explaining the Success of Spanish Banks. Palgrave McMillan: Hampshire, UK

Kase K, Sáez F, Riquelme H. 2005. Transformational CEOs: Leadership and Management Success in Japan. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK

Gómez S, Kase K, Urrutia I (Eds.). 2010. Value Creation and Sport Management. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge

Kase K, Slocum A, Zhang Y. 2011. Asian versus Western Management Thinking – Its Cultural-Bound Nature Palgrave McMillan: Hampshire, UK.

Kase K, González-Cantón C, Nonaka I. 2014. Phronesis and Quiddity in Management: A School of Knowledge Approach. Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire UK.

Von Krogh G, Takeuchi H, Kase K, G. Cantón C (eds.). 2013. Towards Organizational Knowledge: the Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka Palgrave-Macmillan: London.

加瀬公夫, サエスーマルティネス フランシスコ, リケルメ エルナン. 2006. 欧州のMBA教授が見た高業績CEOの意思決定〜戦略判断2つの型〜. 中央経済社: 東京

Translation: ロバート・M・グラント. 2019. 現代戦略分析. 中央経済社: 東京(Grant RM. 2017. Contemporary Strategy Analysis (9th ed.). Blackwell Publishing: Oxford)


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