Kenneth Gilbert

Professor Emeritus at Haslam College of Business


  • Haslam College of Business




Haslam College of Business

Kenneth Gilbert, a Professor and Program Chairman, holds a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Berea College, an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Tennessee, and a Ph.D. in Management Science from the University of Tennessee.

Gilbert has published articles in numerous journals, including Management Science, Decision Sciences, IIE Transactions and the Journal for the Society of Computing Machinery . In his current research he is developing stochastic models (in particular, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models) to describe the dynamics of supply chains . Gilbert regularly teaches a doctoral seminar in supply chain dynamics and also teaches at the Haslam College of Business Executive MBA program, the MBA/IE dual degree program in Manufacturing Management and is coordinator of the undergraduate curriculum in Lean Production. He also teaches in the Supply Chain Specialist certification course. He has served as a consultant to numerous companies.

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