Katherine Levine Einstein

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science at Boston University


  • Boston University



Boston University

Katherine Levine Einstein joined the department in 2012 after receiving her Ph.D. in Government and Social Policy at Harvard University. Her research and teaching interests broadly include American public policy, racial and ethnic politics, political geography, and urban politics and policy.

Her first book Do Facts Matter? Information and Misinformation in Democratic Politics (with Jennifer Hochschild) explores the harmful effects of misinformation on democratic politics. It will be published in 2015 (University of Oklahoma Press). Her current book project (supported by a Russell Sage Foundationgrant) Divided Regions: Racial Inequality, Political Segregation, and the Splintering of Metropolitan America _examines how America’s stark racial segregation creates politically divided metropolitan jurisdictions and consequent sharp metropolitan cleavages across a number of important policies. In addition, her work has been published or is forthcoming in _Political Behavior, _the _British Journal of Political Science, and several edited volumes.

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As the Trump administration retreats on climate change, US cities are moving forward

February 20, 2018

The Conversation Katherine Levine Einstein, David Glick, and Maxwell Palmer Despite almost universal scientific consensus that climate change poses a growing threat, President Donald Trump’s recent infrastructure plan makes no mention of the need to build resilience to rising global temperatures… Expert quote: “Large majorities agreed that significantly reducing their cities’ greenhouse gas emissions would […]

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Tito Jackson taps de Blasio advisers who showed city of haves, have-nots

January 3, 2017

Boston Herald Katherine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences City Councilor Tito Jackson’s mayoral campaign theme could be a “tale of two cities” — the haves and the have-nots in the Hub — now that he is turning to campaigners for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who used such a pitch all the […]

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Federal authority is so last century. Big city mayors are the new power centers.

June 20, 2016

Boston Globe (subscription required) Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences, Initiative on Cities Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney pushed through a tax on sugary drinks to pay for early childhood education… Expert quote: “A lot of mayors felt that within the last five years, they were taking on a lot more responsibility. The federal […]

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Getting federal stimulus money turned blue U.S. counties bluer, and red counties redder. How can that be?

June 2, 2016

Washington Post “Monkey Cage Blog” Co-written by Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences As the country gears up for what may be one of the most acrimonious elections in American history, Democrats and Republicans appear unable to agree on anything — even federal spending for their own districts… View full article by expert Katherine […]

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U.S. mayors desperate to fix crumbling infrastructure but states, feds hold them back

February 22, 2016

The Conversation US By Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences David Glick, College of Arts & Sciences The drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan illustrates two urgent and related challenges that are stressing many American cities. First, critical infrastructure systems such as roads, bridges and water networks are aging and underfunded. Second, cities […]

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Trump Supporters Appear To Be Misinformed, Not Uninformed

January 7, 2016

FiveThirtyEight Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences Donald Trump has a consistently loose relationship with the truth. So much so, in fact, that the fact-checking website PolitiFact rolled his numerous misstatements into one big “lie of the year.”… View full article referencing expert Katherine Levine Einstein

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How exposure to conspiracy theories can reduce trust in government

November 13, 2015

LSE US Centre By Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences By David Glick, College of Arts & Sciences Conspiratorial claims regularly make their way from the fringes into the mainstream media and political polls… View full article by experts Katherine Levine Einstein and David Glick 

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No, we’re not arguing from the same facts. How can democracies make good decisions if citizens are misinformed?

July 21, 2015

Washington Post “Monkey Cage Blog” Co-written by Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences As we all learned in high school, citizens of a good democratic government are well-informed, able to sort through the issues of the day in deciding who to vote for or what is a good policy… View full article by […]

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The Conversation US – Katherine Levine Einstein and David Glick

May 21, 2015

America's mayors are taking on the big problems, but they can't escape partisan divide Katherine Levine Einstein, Boston University and David Glick, Boston University Paralysis, gridlock, dysfunction: these are just three of the words commonly used to describe federal politics. Making things happen is no easy task in a polarized Washington, DC. But move a […]

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Urban policy making: Data from a survey of more than 70 U.S. mayors

January 26, 2015

Journalist’s Resource David Glick, College of Arts & Sciences Katherine Levine Einstein, College of Arts & Sciences For a country that’s 3.8 million square miles in area, the United States is surprisingly urban: In 2010 it had 259 cities with populations over 150,000 and according to a McKinsey Global Institute report, together they generated almost […]

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