Gopal Naik

Professor at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore


  • Indian Institute of Management Bangalore



Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Professor Naik has been working in the areas of public policy, forecasting, marketing research, futures market, commodity markets, WTO, irrigation and forest management. His research areas include, Public Policy/Public Service Delivery, Policies on Agriculture and Rural Development, Performance of Agricultural Markets, Asymmetric Information and Market Performance, Technology Adoption, Agribusiness Development, Food Safety, Agribusiness – Commodity Markets; Forecasting. His current research includes Agricultural Marketing Reforms, ICT for agriculture and rural development, and public service delivery. He has published five books, a number of chapters in books and a number of research articles in national and international refereed journals.

Significant Publications:


Kolavalli, S., G. Naik and A. H. Kalro. Groundwater Utilization in East Uttara Pradesh, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, May 1992. Naik, G. and K. R. Babu. Demand and Supply Prospects for High Quality Silk. New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company. 1993. Naik, G., S. K. Singh and N. Govind. Econometric modeling of the Indian Silk Industry. New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company. 1995. Kolavalli, S., A. H. Kalro, G. Naik and N. Shah. Management of Irrigation Systems: The cases of Meshwo and Phophal in Gujarat, India, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 1995. Brewer, J., S. Kolavalli, A. H. Kalro, G. Naik, S. Ramnarayan, K.V. Raju and R. Sakthivadivel. Irrigation Management Transfer: Policies, Process and Performance, New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1999. Naik, G., Jain, S.K. and Singh, S.K. Econometric Modeling of the Indian Cotton Industry. New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 2001. Naik, G., Kalro, A. H., Brewer, J. B., Samad, M. and Sakthivadivel, R, Assessing the Impact of Irrigation Management Transfer, New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 2002. Naik, G., Singh, Gurdev, Chaturvedi, Tamanna, Asokan, S. R. and Jain, S. K. Competitiveness and Bound Tariff Requirements of Indian Agricultural Commodities, New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 2004. Ramesh, G., Nagadevara, V., Naik, G. and Suraj, A. B. (eds) Urban Infrastructure and Governance, New Delhi, Routledge, 2010 Ramesh, G., Nagadevara, V., Naik, G. and Suraj, A. B. (eds) Public Private Partnerships, New Delhi, Routledge, 2010. WSIS Forum 2015: Policy Statements Chapters in Books

Naik, G., Basavaraj K. P., Paidi, V. and Subramanian A. Using geospatial technology to strengthen data systems in developing countries: The case of agricultural statistics in India, Applied Geography, 43(2013):99112 Sharma, C. K. and G. Naik. Agroinput Market Research: Needs, Processes and Problems, in Seetharaman, S. P. (ed) Agricultural Input Marketing. New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company. 1992. pp 429439. Kolavalli, S., A. H. Kalro, G. Naik and N. Shah. Joint Management in Medium Irrigation Systems in Gujarat: Two Cases, in Svendsen, M. and A. Gulati, (eds.) Strategic Change in Indian Irrigation. Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi, 1995. Naik, G. and V. N. Asopa. A Market Share Approach to Pricing Commodities for Exports, in Rosenhead, J and A. Tripathy, (eds.) Operational Research for Development. New Age International (P) limited, Publishers, New Delhi, 1996 Naik, G. and S. K. Jain. Demand and Supply Analysis and Projection for Major Agricultural Commodities, in B. M. Desai, (ed) Agricultural Development Paradigm for the Ninth Five Year Plan Under New Economic Environment, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, June, 1997, pp 167185. Naik, G. Technological Factors for Agricultural Development I: Evolution and Transfer of Seed and Resource Centered Agricultural Knowledge: Rapporteur's Report in B. M. Desai, (ed) Agricultural Development Paradigm for the Ninth Five Year Plan Under New Economic Environment, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, June, 1997, pp 323326. Kolavalli, S., Kalro, A. H., Naik, G., Ramnarayan, S., Brewer, J., Sakthivadivel, R. and Raju, K.V. A Study on Irrigation Management Transfer in B. M. Desai, (ed) Agricultural Development Paradigm for the Ninth Five Year Plan Under New Economic Environment, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, June, 1997, pp 508530. Naik, G. and S.K. Jain. Growth Stability and Acreage Response of Agricultural Crops: Likely Impact of WTO Regime, in Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2001, pp 361431. Naik, G. Dynamics of Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities in India: The Case of Cotton, in Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2001, pp 713723. Naik, G. Competitiveness of Indian Wheat, in Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2001, pp 724742. Naik, G. Organic Agriculture, in Implications of WTO Agreements for Indian Agriculture, Oxford & IBH Publishing co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2001, pp 743756. Naik, G. and T. Chaturvedi, Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture in the WTO Era and Implications for Gujarat, in Hoda, A. (ed) WTO Agreement and Indian Agriculture, Social Science Press, Delhi, 2002, pp 193221. Naik, G. Implications of WTO on Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, in Kannaiyan, et al (eds) Implications of World Trade Organisation on Agriculture in India, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 2002. Naik, G. Market Access and Removal of Quantitative Restrictions: Likely Impact on Indian Agriculture, in Vasisht, A. K. and Singh, A. (eds) WTO and New International Trade Regime, Indian Agricultural Economics Institute, New Delhi, 2003, pp121145. Naik, G. Expiry of Peace Clause in WTO's Agriculture Agreement: Implications, in Chand, R (ed) India's Agricultural Challenges: Reflections on Policy, Technology and Other Issues, Centad, New Delhi, 2005, pp 4778. Naik, G. Tackling Agricultural Subsidies in WTO Negotiations, in South Asian Yearbook of Trade and Development 2005, Centad, New Delhi, 2005, pp 4179. Naik, G. Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Competitive Agriculture: Grapes in India, in Chandra, V. (ed) Technology, Adaptation, and Exports, The World Bank, Washington, DC. 2006, pp 24374. Naik, G. Closing the Yield Gap: Maize in India, in Chandra, V. (ed) Technology, Adaptation, and Exports, The World Bank, Washington, DC. 2006, pp 275300. Naik, G., Basavarajappa, K. P., Sultana, N. And Rashmi, K. K. Public Value Creation Through Private Partnership: Lessons from Public Service Delivery in Karnataka, India, in Ramesh, G. et al (eds) Public Private Partnerships, New Delhi, Routledge, 2010, pp 226 265. Naik, G. and Nagadevara, V. Spatial Clusters in Organic Farming A Case Study of Pulses Cultivation in Karnataka, in Jayachandran, C. et al (eds) Business Clusters: Partnering for Strategic Advantage, New Delhi, Routledge, 2010, pp 342361. Naik, G., Basavaraj, K. P and Joshi, S. Making EGovernance Centers Financially Sustainable in Rural India: A Conceptual Design for Action Research, in Chappelet, et al (eds) Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, Joint Proceedings of the Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and ePart 2010, pp 218225. Journal Articles Naik, G. and V. P. S. Arora. Marketing Pattern and Pricing Efficiency in Indian Arecanut Markets. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 41(1986): 172182. Naik, G. and R. M. Leuthold. A Note on Qualitative Forecast Evaluation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(1986):72126. Naik, G. and B. L. Dixon. A Monte Carlo Comparison of Alternative Estimators of Autocorrelated Simultaneous Systems Using A U.S. Pork Sector Model as the True Structure. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11(1986):13445. Naik, G. and R. M. Leuthold. Cash and Futures Price Relationships for Nonstorable Commodities: An Empirical Analysis Using a General Theory, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 13(1988):32738. Naik, G. and J. E. Gleason. Alleviation of Protein Malnutrition in India Through Improved Soy Processing Technique. United Nations Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 10(1988):4549. Naik, G. and R. M. Leuthold. A Note on the Factors Affecting Corn Basis Relationships, Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 23(1991):14753. Naik, G. and A. H. Kalro. Government Silk Filature, Chikkahalli, Management Case, Vikalpa, 16 (JulySeptember 1991):5568. Naik, G. PriceQuality Relationships in Raw Silk Markets, Indian Economic Review, 30(1995):101119. Naik, G. and K. R. Babu. Developing Small Holders Agriculture Through Changing Crop Composition, Agricultural Situation in India, (October 1995):485495. Naik, G. and G. Sharan. Assessing Consumer Preference for Product Features Selection: Solar Cookers, Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 22(OctoberDecember 1997):4954. Naik, G. Factors Influencing Participation of Households in Joint Forest Managment, Economic and Political Weekly. 32(1997):30843089. Naik, G. and S. K. Jain, Econometric Modeling of the Indian Cotton Industry for Forecasting and Policy Simulations, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(AprilJune 1999):185200. Naik, G. and S. K. Singh. Policy Simulation of the Indian Silk Industry through an Econometric Model, Journal of Policy Modeling, 21(1999):875899. Naik, G. Certification and Inspection of Organic Products in India, Agricultural Marketing, 42, 2(1999): 7 12. Naik, G. Procurement and Marketing of Wheat and Wheat Products, Agricultural Situation In India, (December 1999): 521525. Bhattacharjee, S., B. M. Desai and G. Naik Viability of Rural Banking by the Nationalized Commercial Banks in India, The Indian Economic Journal, 47, 1(2000):2441. Naik, G. and Kalro, A. H. A Methodology for Assessing Impact of Irrigation Management Transfer from Farmer's Perspective, Water Policy: The Journal of the World Water Council, 2, 6(2000): 445460. Naik, G. and Kalro, A. H. Role of Water Users' Association in Irrigation Management in Maharashtra, India: Two Case Studies, Journal of Indian Water Resources Society, 20, 3(July 2000): 130142. Naik, G. and Jain, S. K. Efficiency and Unbiasedness of Indian Commodity Futures Markets, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, 2(AprilJune 2001): 185197. Naik, G. and P. Pandit. Status of Fruit and Vegetables Sector in India and Gujarat: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges, Agricultural Situation in India, 58, 4(July 2001):125138. Naik, G. and Thimmappa, K. Trends in Agricultural Output Growth and Prices of Agricultural Commodities, Agricultural Situation in India, 58, 5(August 2001):205212. Naik, G. and Jain, S. K. Indian Agricultural Commodity Futures Markets: A Performance Survey, Economic and Political Weekly,(July 27, 2002):316173. Naik, G. Competing in the New Trade Regime: The Role of Biotechnology in Indian Agriculture, Agricultural Situation in India, 59, 2, May 2002: 5156. Naik, G. Enhancing Food Security Through Market Reforms, Productivity, 43, 1(AprilJune 2002):6066. Jain, S. K. and Naik, G. Growth, Variability and Supply Response of Futures Traded Commodities in India, Journal of Agricultural Economics Research, 15, 2(2002):150174. Naik, G. The Structural Qualitative Method of Forecasting, International Journal of Forecasting20, 3(2004):475485. Naik, G., Qaim, M., Subramanian, A., and Zilberman, D. Bt Cotton Controversy: Some Paradoxes Explained, Economic and Political Weekly, (April 9, 2005):15141517. Qaim, M., Subramanian, A., Naik, G. and Zilberman, D. Adoption of Bt Cotton and Impact Variability: Insights from India, Review of Agricultural Economics, 28, 1(2006):4858. Naik, G. Designing a Sustainable Business Model for EGovernance Embedded Rural Telecentres (EGERT) in India, IIMB Management Review, 23, 2011, 110121. Naik, G. Joshi, S. and Basavaraj, K. P. Fostering Inclusive Growth through EGovernance Embedded Rural Telecentres (EGERT) in India, Government Information Quarterly, 29, 1, 2012, S82S89.


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