Gilles Neubert
- EMLYON Business School
EMLYON Business School
Gilles gained his doctorate in Industrial Engineering from National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon (INSA), France, and Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) from University of Lyon. His research focuses on the consideration of activities contributing to inter-enterprises relationships and their impact on value creation.
2009 Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) from University of Lyon
1997 PhD in Industrial Engineering, INSA de Lyon.
1994 Master’s degree in automatic Control (INSA de Lyon)
1994 Industrial Engineering Degree, CNAM
1978 Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (D.U.T.) de Génie Electrique
Full Professor in Operations and supply chain management at Saint-Etienne School of Management Head of the post graduate Program in purchasing and supply chain management at St Etienne School of Management Member of CNRS UMR5600 Laboratory (
Associate Professor University Lyon2 Head of the Operation Management Department of the Technology Institute of LYON2 University (1998) from 1998 to 2002
Customer Engineer: previous to his interest in research and education, he enjoyed a career in industry mainly as a Customer Engineer.
Beyond a direct confrontation on their markets, with a particular focus on costs, companies have seen their competitiveness being challenged over new dimensions. Growing awareness and expectations from stakeholders has raised pressure beyond the basic bottom line to a triple bottom line: performances are now expected on economic, environmental and social results. Taking into account externalities generated by their activities, that until recently were assumed by other stakeholders without any counterpart, is now questioning fundamental orientations and the strategies of companies. In a time where cost based competition remains harder and harder to maintain, the integration of stakes such as those addressed by Corporate Social Responsibility sets new standards for innovating strategies and competitiveness. By integrating a wider range of stakeholders, this approach is designed to integrate and evaluate the value generated by firms in their communities and in the territories they operate to reinforce their territorial and societal commitment, and valuate this societal value on the long term.
This research is supported by 2 projects:
On the logistics side, the objective of the MUTAGRO project is to optimize the final logistic scheme of a set of small manufacturers in the agri-food sector. A polling system is developed in order to reduce the global impact of the logistics activities. The final goal is to integrate sustainability objectives into the delivery process optimization, as this would enable the producers to enhance their brand image in the current market circumstances, and to be aligned with sustainable development requirements.
On the purchasing side, the objective of the action research project PEAK is to create more value for the companies and for more stakeholders, leveraging on and collaborating with them. As part of the procurement process, the purchasing function is a hub upstream Supply Chain management that plays a fundamental role. PEAK aims to make the emergence of new collaborative relationships between customers and suppliers mutually beneficial.
‑ Wudhikarn, Ratapol, Chakpitak, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles. 2018. A literature review on performance measures of logistics management: an intellectual capital perspective.International Journal of Production Research, FORTH
‑ Neubert, Gilles, Lambey-Checchin, Christine, , Bosle, Jean-Pierre. 2017. Proposition de valeur durable : quels freins à l’adoption d’une offre innovante produit/service ?: Le cas de la douchette dans le domaine hospitalier = Sustainable value proposition: what are the barriers to the adoption of product service systems innovation? The case of a showerhead in the medical sector.Logistique & Management, FORTH
‑ NUPAP, Soontarin, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles, , TRA-NGARN, Yuthana. 2016. Stakeholder Involvement in Intellectual Capital System Implementation for SMEs in Thailand Long-term Competitiveness Development.International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 20 (3): 328-346
‑ NUPAP, Soontarin, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles, , TRA-NGARN, Yuthana. 2016. Knowledge management system for Thai small and medium-sized enterprises.International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 19 (2): 150-168 P.
‑ MOUTAOUKIL, Abdelhamid, Neubert, Gilles, , DERROUICHE, Ridha. 2015. Urban Freight Distribution: The impact of delivery time on sustainability.IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (3): 2368–2373 P.
‑ WUDHIKARN, Ratapol, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , NEUBERT, Gilles. 2015. An analytic network process approach for the election of green marketable products.Benchmarking: An International Journal, 22 (6): 994-1018 P.
‑ WUDHIKARN, Ratapol, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , NEUBERT, Gilles. 2015. Use of an Analytic Network Process and Monte Carlo Analysis in New Product Formula Selection Decisions.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 32 (2)
‑ SAVINO, Matteo M., MAZZA, Antonio, , Neubert, Gilles. 2014. Agent-based flow-shop modelling in dynamic environment.Production Planning and Control , 25 (2): 110-122 P.
‑ PAGANO, Stéphane, DERROUICHE, Ridha, , Neubert, Gilles. 2014. Contribution des achats à l'écosystème des entreprises: vers de nouveaux business models.Management & Gouvernance, 11: 89-102 P.
‑ DERROUICHE, Ridha, Neubert, Gilles. 2013. Supply Chain Collaborative: revue de littérature des attributs de caractérisation des relations dyadiques.Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 32 (1): 7-26 P.
‑ KHUNTONTHONG, Puttawan, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles. 2013. Management Framework for a High-Value of Agricultural Product to Increase Income for Farmers in Rural Area.KMITL Science and Technology Journal, 13 (1): 42-50 P.
‑ KHUNTONTHONG, Puttawan, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles, , WIBOONPONGSE, Aree. 2013. Development of a High-Value Agricultural Product Cluster to Increase Income for Rural Farmers: Case Study of Bresse Chicken Cluster in Northern Thailand.Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences, 34 (3): 550-561 P.
‑ DOMINGUEZ-PERY, Carine, Ageron, Blandine, , Neubert, Gilles. 2013. A service science framework to enhance value creation in service innovation projects: An RFID case study.International Journal of Production Economics, 141 (2): 440–451 P.
‑ KHUNTONTHONG, Puttawan, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles. 2013. Analyzing the Micro Economic Environment of Agricultural Product: Applying the 'Diamond' Model to a Non-profit Organization.Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3 (11): 813-822 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, DOMINGUEZ-PERY, Carine, , Ageron, Blandine. 2011. Inter-organisational alignment to enhance information technology (IT) driven services innovation in a supply chain: the case of radio frequency identification (RFID).International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24 (11): 1058-1073 P.
‑ DERROUICHE, Ridha, Neubert, Gilles, , BOURAS, Abdelaziz, , SAVINO, Matteo M.. 2010. B2B relationship management: a framework to explore the impact of collaboration.Production Planning and Control , 21 (6): 528-546 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, SAVINO, Matteo M., , PEDICINI, Carmen. 2010. Simulation Approach to Optimize Production Costs Through Value Stream Mapping.International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 16 (1): 1-21 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, SAVINO, Matteo M.. 2009. Flow shop operator scheduling through constraint satisfaction and constraint optimisation techniques.International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 4 (5/6): 549-568 P.
‑ CRESTAN, WATTKY Andrea, Neubert, Gilles. 2009. Process reengineering in the context of logistics outsourcing.International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 8 (4): 344-360 P.
‑ DERROUICHE, Ridha, Neubert, Gilles, , BOURAS, Abdelaziz. 2008. Supply chain management: a framework to characterize the collaborative strategies.International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21 (4): 426-439 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, SAVINO, Matteo M.. 2007. A faster Enterprise Resources Planning implementation for Euro Coin Supply Chain within the SCOR model.International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 3 (4): 385-405 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, Lambey-Checchin, Christine. 2016. The Sustainable value proposition of PSSs: the case of ECOBEL “Shower head”., Procedia CIRP, vol. 47. : Elsevier, 12-17 p.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, PAGANO, Stéphane. 2016. Paul D. Cousins: le rôle stratégique du management des relations client-fournisseur., Les grands auteurs en logistique et Supply Chain Management. : Cormelles-le-Royal : EMS, 271-285 p.
‑ PAGANO, Stéphane, Neubert, Gilles. 2015. Building Resilient SCs: Mapping and Measuring Key Value Drivers Through a Multi-perspective and Multi-stakeholder Value Creation Framework Based on Intangible Assets., Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks: 16th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2015, Albi, France,, October 5-7, 2015, Proceedings. : Springer, 159-169 p.
‑ PAGANO, Stéphane, Neubert, Gilles. 2015. Developing a Collaborative Framework for Mapping and Managing Key Drivers of Future Value Creation Based on Intangible Assets., Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2015, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part I. : Springer, 62-69 P.
‑ MOUTAOUKIL, Abdelhamid, Neubert, Gilles, , DERROUICHE, Ridha. 2015. A Comparison of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Vehicle Fleet Size in Green Vehicle Routing Problem., Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2014, Ajaccio, France, September 20-24, 2014, Proceedings, Part II. : Springer, 450-457 P.
‑ DERROUICHE, Ridha, MOUTAOUKIL, Abdelhamid, , Neubert, Gilles. 2014. Integration of Social Concerns in Collaborative Logistics and Transportation Networks., Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014, Proceedings. : Springer, 730-738 P.
‑ PAGANO, Stéphane, DERROUICHE, Ridha, , Neubert, Gilles. 2013. Collaborative Inter-firm Relationships Based on Sustainability: Towards a New Framework., Collaborative Systems for Reindustrialization: 14th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2013, Dresden, Germany, September 30 - October 2, 2013, Proceedings. : Springer, 651-659 P.
‑ MOUTAOUKIL, Abdelhamid, DERROUICHE, Ridha, , Neubert, Gilles. 2013. Modeling a Logistics Pooling Strategy for Agri-Food SMEs., Collaborative Systems for Reindustrialization: 14th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2013, Dresden, Germany, September 30 - October 2, 2013, Proceedings. : Springer, 621-630 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, DERROUICHE, Ridha, , Berneman, Corinne. 2012. Le développement durable comme levier d'innovation des services., Manager l'innovation par le service : Un levier pour sortir de la crise. : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 63-80 P.
‑ WUDHIKARN, Ratapol, CHAKPITAK, Nopasit, , Neubert, Gilles. 2012. A Framework for New Product Selection Decision Using Analytic Network Process and Knowledge Management., Advanced Materials Research. Vol 538-541: Materials Processing Technology II. :, 3098-3105 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, ADJADJ, Philippe. 2010. Capacity Adjustment through Contingent Staffing Outsourcing., Advances in Production Management Systems: New Challenges, New Approaches: International IFIP WG 5.7 Conference, APMS 2009, Bordeaux, France, September 21-23, 2009, Revised Selected Papers Series. : Springer, 195-202 P.
‑ DOMINGUEZ-PERY, Carine, Ageron, Blandine, , Neubert, Gilles, , ZAOUI, Ishraf. 2010. Inter-organizational Strategic Alignments in a Jewelry Supply Chain using RFID: a Case Study., Supply Chain Performance: Collaboration, Alignment, and Coordination. : Wiley, 141-169 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, CRESTAN, WATTKY Andrea, , BOURAS, Abdelaziz. 2008. From Order to Delivery: An Integrated Process Approach for Customer Satisfaction., Lean Business Systems and Beyond: First IFIP TC 5 Advanced Production Management Systems Conference (APMS’2006), Wroclaw, Poland, September 18-20, 2006. : Springer, 337-345 P.
‑ MOALLA, Néjib, BOURAS, Abdelaziz, , Neubert, Gilles, , OUZROUT, Yacine. 2008. Toward Data Compliance in Vaccine Industry: Interoperability to Align Business and Information Systems., Enterprise Information Systems: 8th International Conference, ICEIS 2006, Paphos, Cyprus, May 23-27, 2006 , Revised Selected Papers. : Springer, 98-111 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, BOURAS, Abdelaziz, , WATTKY, Andrea. 2007. Outsourcing through SCOR and BPR at Rhodia., Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006: A Proceedings volume from the 12th IFAC International Symposium, St Etienne, France, 17-19 May 2006. : Elsevier Science, 571-576 P.
‑ Neubert, Gilles, WATTKY, Andrea. 2005. Improving Supply Chain Performance through Business Process Reengineering., Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise: Interoperability Strategies for the Enterprise Architect. : Springer, 337-349 P.
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