Even Johan Lanseng

Associate Professor - Department of Marketing at BI Norwegian Business School


  • BI Norwegian Business School



BI Norwegian Business School


  • 2002 Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) Ph.D Dr. Scient.
  • 1993 BI Norwegian Business School Master of Science in Business


  • 2006 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
  • 2009 - 2011 Lillehammer University College Lecturer
  • 2008 - 2009 University of Melbourne Visiting Associate Professor
  • 1999 - 2005 Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) Associate Professor


Lanseng, Even. 

Incumbent versus Newcomer Advantages: A Fundamental Motives Explanation. Academy of Marketing Science WMC 2016; 2016-07-19 - 2016-07-23 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Unknowingly Ready or Knowingly Unready? The Roles of Implicit Memory (prime) and Menstrual Cycle in Women’s Brand Evaluation. Fibe 2013; 2013-01-10 - 2013-01-11 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Majoor, Maarten. 

Attractive versus Popular:Men and Women’s Reactions to Male and Female Models in Advertising. 2012 Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference; 2012-07-06 - 2012-07-08 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine. 

Rethinking the Incongruity Effect in Consumer Judgments. Johan Arndt Konferansen; 2011-06-09 - 2011-06-19 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine. 

Rethinking the Schema-Incongruity Effect in Consumer Judgments. Association for Consumer Research North-American annual conference; 2011-10-13 - 2011-10-16 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan. 

A Typology of Consumption Value: Teasing out the Unique Properties of Utilitarian, Symbolic, Experiential, and Aesthetic Consumption Qualities. European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research; 2010-06-30 - 2010-07-03 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Holtmoen, Å.. 

Brands in Text—Attitudinal Effects of Brand Placements in Narrative Fiction. Fourteenth Biennial World Marketing Congress; 2009-07-21 - 2009-07-25 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Wanebo, Tor Arne. 

Pioneering (Dis)advantage and Later Entrant (Dis)advantage: The Role of Consumer Goals in Pioneer and Later Entrant Brand Advantages. Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference; 2009-10-22 - 2009-10-25 BI

Olsen, Lars Erling; Lanseng, Even Johan; Baalerud, H; Holtmoen, H. 

Brands in Text - Attitudinal Effects of Brand Placements in Narrative Fiction. World Marketing Congress; 2009-07-21 - 2009-07-25 BI HK

Lanseng, Even Johan. 

A SERVICE-DOMINANT LOGIC FOR BRANDING. FIBE - Fagkonferanse i bedriftsøkonomiske emner; 2008-01-03 - 2008-01-04 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Andreassen, Tor Wallin. 

A Service-Dominant Logic for Branding. Academy of Marketing conference; 2008-09-01 - 2009-09-03 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Supphellen, Magne. 

Using Ideals and Typicality Measures to Enhance the Attitude-Behavior Relationship. Johan Arndts Markedføringskonferanse; 2008-06-05 - 2008-06-06 BI


Lanseng, Even. 

Relevant sex appeals in advertising: Gender and commitment context differences. Frontiers in Psychology 2016 ;Volume 7.(September) BI

Augensen, Helene; Moen, Maren; Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Ærlighet varer lengst : åpen bloggsponsing er mer effektiv enn skjult. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2014 ;Volume 17.(3) p. 58-63 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan. 

A typology of consumption value : teasing out the unique properties of utilitarian, symbolic, experiential, and aesthetic consumption value. Beta. Scandinavian Journal of Business Research 2014 ;Volume 28.(2) p. 107-117 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Consumption Value: Teasing out the Unique Properties of Utilitarian, Symbolic, Experiential, and Aesthetic Consumption Value. Beta. Scandinavian Journal of Business Research 2014 ;Volume 28.(2) p. 107-117 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Majoor, Maarten. 

The relative importance of advertising elements and the roles of sex (gender) and involvement :. Beta. Scandinavian Journal of Business Research 2013 ;Volume 27.(2) p. 97-112 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Olsen, Lars Erling. 

Brand alliances: the role of brand concept consistency. European Journal of Marketing 2012 ;Volume 46.(9) p. 1108-1126 BI HK

Olsen, Lars Erling; Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Brands in texts: Attitudinal effects of brand placements in narrative fiction. Journal of Brand Management 2012 ;Volume 19.(8) p. 702-711 BI HK

Andreassen, Tor W.; Lanseng, Even J.. 

Service differentiation: A self-image congruency perspective on brand building in the labor market. International Journal of Service Industry Management 2010 ;Volume 21.(2) p. 212-236 BI

Andreassen, Tor Wallin; Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Service differentiation A self-image congruency perspective on brand building in the labor market. Journal of Service Management 2010 ;Volume 21.(2) p. 212-236 BI

Lanseng, Even J.; Andreassen, Tor W.. 

Electronic Healthcare? A Study of Peoples Readiness and Attitude Toward Performing Self-Diagnosis. International Journal of Service Industry Management 2007 ;Volume 18.(4) p. 394-417 BI

Lanseng, Even J.; Lanseng, Even J.; Wanebo, Tor Arne. 

Pionermerke eller etterfølgermerke - fordeler og ulemper. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2007 ;Volume 10.(2) p. 53-59 BI NMBU

Lanseng, Even Johan; Andreassen, Tor Wallin. 

The principal’s and agents’ contribution to customer loyalty within an integrated service distribution channel: An external perspective. European Journal of Marketing 1997 ;Volume 31.(7) p. 487-503 BI NHH


Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Ærlighet varer lengst – også på blogg. BI Business Review 2013 BI

Lanseng, Even Johan; Moen, maren; augensen, helene. 

Ærlighet varer lengst – også på blogg. BI Marketing Magazine 2012 (2) p. 16-18 BI


Lanseng, Even Johan; Andreassen, Tor Wallin. 

From Healthcare to e-Healthcare: Are People Ready?. I: Service Management in Health and Wellness Services. : Kendall Hunt 2013 ISBN 978-1-4652-0823-1. BI NHH


Selnes, Fred; Lanseng, Even Johan. 

Markedsføringsledelse : med digitale verktøy. Gyldendal Akademisk 2014 (ISBN 978-82-05-45925-0) 373 p. BI HSN


Lanseng, Even; Alfnes, Frode; Schjøll, Alexander. 

Forbrukernes holdninger og bevissthet rundt skjult reklame i blogger og i nettbutikker. : Sifo 2015 BI HIOA NMBU

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