Dennis Mathaisel

Professor at Babson Olin Graduate School of Business


  • Babson Olin Graduate School of Business



Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Academic Division: Math & ScienceDennis Mathaisel is Professor of Management Science at Babson College. He was a Research Scientist at MIT; founder and President of a computer software firm that developed systems for airline scheduling and resource allocation; and he was a Branch Manager for Operations Research at the McDonnell Douglas Corporation. His teaching interests are in the fields of business analytics, management science, and quantitative methods. His research is focused on the sustainability of complex systems, business analytics, and airline scheduling and aircraft operations. He is the author of 39 refereed journal articles as well as three books: Sustaining the Military Enterprise: An Architecture for a Lean Transformation, Auerbach Publications Taylor & Francis Group; Sustaining the Military Enterprise: Enhancing its Ability to Perform the Mission, with J. Manary and C. Comm, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group; and Engineering for Sustainability, with J. Manary and Ned H. Criscimagna, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. Dr. Mathaisel was the MIT co-lead of the Sustainment Operations Team for the Lean Sustainment Initiative for the U.S. Air Force. He has had research assignments with NASA, the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Transportation (Office of the Secretary), Federal Aviation Administration, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Flying Tiger Line, Pan American World Airways, Hughes Air West, Olympic Airways, Federal Express, Iberia Airlines, Northwest Airlines, USAir, Continental, Garuda Indonesia, Trans World Airlines, and others. This experience has covered a range of topics including military logistics sustainability, lean enterprise sustainability, decision support systems, vehicle maintenance and routing, equipment acquisition, logistics, scheduling, fleet and route planning, and transport systems analysis and engineering. Dr. Mathaisel''s current publications focus on enterprise sustainment. His publications appear in Benchmarking an International Journal, Acquisition Review Quarterly, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, International Journal of Educational Management, Transportation Science, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Computers & Operations Research, Journal of Research on Computing in Education, Journal of Systems and Software, Society of Automotive Engineers, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, and the Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings. Dennis Mathaisel was elected as a Full Member of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS). He is also a member of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), The Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS), the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He is a private pilot and a previous owner of a Cessna 182 aircraft based at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • MS, University of California
  • BS, Northeastern University

Academic Interests

Business Analytics; Math and Sciences; Quantitative Methods


Awards & Honors

2015 - Teaching Innovation Fund: Business Analytics for Sustainability, Babson College

2005 - Best Paper Award

2005 - Best Paper Award

2004 - Best Paper Award

2004 - Best Paper Award

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