David Veenstra
Professor and Associate Director of Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program, Department of Pharmacy; Auxiliary Member, Institute for Public Health Genetics, University of Washington; Affiliate Investigator, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center at UW Professional & Continuing Education
UW Professional & Continuing Education
Dr. Veenstra is a Professor in the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program in the Department of Pharmacy, and a member of the Institute for Public Health Genetics at the University of Washington in Seattle. He graduated from the University of California San Francisco, with doctoral degrees in clinical pharmacy and computational chemistry. He conducted his postdoctoral training in health economics and outcomes research with the University of Washington, including a one-year externship with Roche Global Pharmacoeconomics.
Dr. Veenstra’s primary research interests are the clinical, economic, and policy implications of using genomic information in healthcare. His major research projects include evaluation of pharmacogenomics in diverse populations, decision modeling to inform research prioritization and stakeholder decision-making in oncology, and evaluation of the clinical, economic, and personal utility of whole genome sequencing.
Dr. Veenstra’s research has been funded through grants from the Centers for Disease Control, National Cancer Institute, National Human Genome Research Institute, and the National Institute for General Medical Sciences. Dr. Veenstra is a past member of EGAPP, a CDC-sponsored evidence-based recommendation group for genomic tests, and is a current member of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health.
Dr. Veenstra’s other major research interest is the development of disease simulation, risk-benefit, and cost-effectiveness models. He has worked extensively with the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) to develop guidelines and train decision makers in the practical application of cost-effectiveness models. Dr. Veenstra is an author or co-author of over 100 peer-reviewed publications and five book chapters.
- PharmD, University of California, San Francisco
- PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Interests
- Cost effectiveness modeling in pharmaceutical outcomes
- Pharmacogenomic-based drug therapies
Dr. Veenstra is a member of the Institute for Public Health Genetics at UW, the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, and the International Health Economics Association. Dr. Veenstra is a past recipient of the PhRMA Foundation Career Development Award in Pharmacoeconomics.
Selected Publications
Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) Working Group: Calonge N, Fisher NL, Berg AO, Campos-Outcalt D, Djulbegovic B, Ganiats TG, Haddow JE, Klein RD, Lyman DO, Offit K, Pauker SG, Piper M, Richards CS, Strickland OL, Tunis SR, Veenstra DL. Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: can testing of tumor tissue for mutations in EGFR pathway downstream effector genes in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer improve health outcomes by guiding decisions regarding anti-EGFR therapy? Genet Med. 2013 Jul;15(7):517-27.
Bennette CS, Trinidad SB, Fullerton SM, Patrick D, Amendola L, Burke W, Hisama FM, Jarvik GP, Regier DA, Veenstra DL. Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Medicine: Measuring What Patients Value – Development of an Instrument to Measure Preferences for Information from Next-generation Testing (IMPRINT). Genet Med. 2013 May 30.
Carlson JJ, Thariani R, Roth J, Gralow J, Henry NL, Esmail L, Deverka P, Ramsey SD, Veenstra DL. Value of Information Analysis within a Stakeholder-Driven Research Prioritization Process in a US Setting: An Application in Cancer Genomics. Med Decis Making. 2013 May;33(4):463-71.
Spackman DE, Kadiyala S, Neumann PJ, Veenstra DL, Sullivan SD. The validity of dependence as a health outcome measure in Alzheimer disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2013 May;28(3):245-52.
Bajaj PS, Veenstra DL. A risk-benefit analysis of factor V Leiden testing to improve pregnancy outcomes: a case study of the capabilities of decision modeling in genomics. Genet Med. 2013 May;15(5):374-81.
Feero WG, Wicklund C, Veenstra DL. The economics of genomic medicine: insights from the IOM Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health. JAMA. 2013 Mar 27;309(12):1235-6.
Esmail LC, Roth J, Rangarao S, Carlson JJ, Thariani R, Ramsey SD, Veenstra DL, Deverka P. Getting our priorities straight: a novel framework for stakeholder-informed prioritization of cancer genomics research. Genet Med. 2013 Feb;15(2):115-22.
Guzauskas GF, Garrison LP, Stock J, Au S, Doyle DL, Veenstra DL. Stakeholder perspectives on decision-analytic modeling frameworks to assess genetic services policy. Genet Med. 2013 Jan;15(1):84-7.
Veenstra DL, Piper M, Haddow JE, Pauker SG, Klein R, Richards CS, Tunis SR, Djulbegovic B, Marrone M, Lin JS, Berg AO, Calonge N. Improving the efficiency and relevance of evidence-based recommendations in the era of whole-genome sequencing: an EGAPP methods update. Genet Med. 2013 Jan;15(1):14-24.
Boudreau DM, Guzauskas G, Villa KF, Fagan SC, Veenstra DL. A model of cost-effectiveness of tissue plasminogen activator in patient subgroups 3 to 4.5 hours after onset of acute ischemic stroke. Ann Emerg Med. 2013 Jan;61(1):46-55.
Cheng MM, Goulart B, Veenstra DL, Blough DK, Devine EB. A network meta-analysis of therapies for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer Treat Rev. 2012 Dec;38(8):1004-11.
Wong WB, Ramsey SD, Barlow WE, Garrison LP Jr, Veenstra DL. The value of comparative effectiveness research: projected return on investment of the RxPONDER trial (SWOG S1007). Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Nov;33(6):1117-23.
Spackman DE, Kadiyala S, Neumann PJ, Veenstra DL, Sullivan SD. Measuring Alzheimer disease progression with transition probabilities: Estimates from NACC-UDS. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2012 Nov;9(9):1050-8.
Dale CR, Madtes DK, Fan VS, Gorden JA, Veenstra DL. Navigational bronchoscopy with biopsy versus computed tomography-guided biopsy for the diagnosis of a solitary pulmonary nodule: a cost-consequences analysis. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol.2012 Oct;19(4):294-303.
Deverka PA, Lavallee DC, Desai PJ, Armstrong J, Gorman M, Hole-Curry L, O’Leary J, Ruffner B, Watkins J, Veenstra DL, Baker LH, Unger JM, Ramsey SD. Facilitating comparative effectiveness research in cancer genomics: evaluating stakeholder perceptions of the engagement process. J Comp Eff Res. 2012 Jul;1(4):359-370.
Goddard KA, Knaus WA, Whitlock E, Lyman GH, Feigelson HS, Schully SD, Ramsey S, Tunis S, Freedman AN, Khoury MJ,Veenstra DL. Building the evidence base for decision making in cancer genomic medicine using comparative effectiveness research. Genet Med. 2012 Jul;14(7):633-42.
Babigumira JB, Stergachis A, Veenstra DL, Gardner JS, Ngonzi J, Mukasa-Kivunike P, Garrison LP. Potential cost-effectiveness of universal access to modern contraceptives in Uganda. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e30735.
Guzauskas GF, Boudreau DM, Villa KF, Levine SR, Veenstra DL. The cost-effectiveness of primary stroke centers for acute stroke care. Stroke. 2012 Jun;43(6):1617-23.
Thariani R, Wong W, Carlson JJ, Garrison L, Ramsey S, Deverka PA, Esmail L, Rangarao S, Hoban CJ, Baker LH, Veenstra DL; for the Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research in Cancer Genomics (CANCERGEN). Prioritization in Comparative Effectiveness Research: The CANCERGEN Experience. Med Care. 2012 May;50(5):388-93.
Guzauskas GF, Hughes DA, Bradley SM, Veenstra DL. A Risk-Benefit Assessment of Prasugrel, Clopidogrel, and Genotype-Guided Therapy in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 May;91(5):829-37.
Thariani R, Veenstra DL, Carlson JJ, Garrison LP, Ramsey S. Paying for Personalized Care: Cancer Biomarkers and Comparative Effectiveness. Mol Oncol. 2012 Apr;6(2):260-6.
Deverka PA, Lavallee DC, Desai PJ, Esmail LC, Ramsey SD, Veenstra DL, Tunis SR. Stakeholder participation in comparative effectiveness research: defining a framework for effective engagement.J Comp Eff Res. 2012 Mar;1(2):181-194.
Branch KR, Bresnahan BW, Veenstra DL, Shuman WP, Weintraub WS, Busey JM, Elliott DJ, Mitsumori LM, Strote J, Jobe K, Dubinsky T, Caldwell JH. Economic Outcome of Cardiac CT-Based Evaluation and Standard of Care for Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome in the Emergency Department: A Decision Analytic Model. Acad Radiol. 2012 Mar;19(3):265-73.
Bates SM, Greer IA, Middeldorp S, Veenstra DL, Prabulos AM, Vandvik PO. VTE, Thrombophilia, Antithrombotic Therapy, and Pregnancy: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012 Feb;141(2 Suppl):e691S-736S.
Holbrook A, Schulman S, Witt DM, Vandvik PO, Fish J, Kovacs MJ, Svensson PJ, Veenstra DL, Crowther M, Guyatt GH. Evidence-Based Management of Anticoagulant Therapy: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012 Feb;141(2 Suppl):e152S-84S.
Blondon M, Righini M, Bounameaux H, Veenstra DL. Fondaparinux for isolated superficial vein thrombosis of the legs: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Chest. 2012 Feb;141(2):321-9.
Cheng MM, Ramsey SD, Devine EB, Garrison LP, Bresnahan BW, Veenstra DL. A systematic review of the evidence supporting the clinical and economic value of oncology orphan drugs. Am J Manag Care. 2012 Jan;18(1):47-62.
Babigumira JB, Stergachis A, Veenstra DL, Gardner JS, Ngonzi J, Mukasa-Kivunike P, Garrison LP. Estimating the Costs of Induced Abortion in Uganda: A Model-Based Analysis.BMC Public Health. 2011 Dec 6;11:904.
Ramsey SD, Veenstra D, Tunis SR, Garrison L, Crowley JJ, Baker LH. How comparative effectiveness research can help advance äóÖpersonalized medicine’ in cancer treatment. Health Aff (Millwood). 2011 Dec;30(12):2259-68.
Woods B, Veenstra DL, Hawkins N. Prioritizing pharmacogenetic research: a value of information analysis of CYP2D6 testing to guide breast cancer treatment.Value Health. 2011 Dec;14(8):989-1001.
Beitelshees AL, Veenstra DL. Evolving research and stakeholder perspectives on pharmacogenomics. JAMA. 2011 Sep 21;306(11):1252-3.
Garrison LP Jr, Bauch CT, Bresnahan BW, Hazlet TK, Kadiyala S, Veenstra DL. Using cost- effectiveness analysis to support research & development portfolio prioritization for product innovations in measles vaccination. J Infect Dis. 2011 Jul;204 Suppl 1:S124-32.
Roth JA, Garrison LP Jr, Burke W, Ramsey SD, Carlson R, Veenstra DL. Stakeholder perspectives on a risk-benefit framework for genetic testing. Public Health Genomics. 2011;14(2):59-67.
Carlson JJ, Wong WB, Veenstra DL, Reyes C. Budget impact of erlotinib for maintenance therapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Med Econ. 2011;14(2):159-66.
Bloudek LM, Spackman DE, Veenstra DL, Sullivan SD. CDR State Transition Probabilities in Alzheimer’s Disease with and without Cholinesterase Inhibitor Intervention in an Observational Cohort. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;24(3):599-607.
Cross JT, Veenstra DL, Gardner JS, Garrison LP Jr. Can modeling of health outcomes facilitate regulatory decision making? The benefit-risk tradeoff for rosiglitazone in 1999 vs. 2007. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Mar;89(3):429-36.
Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group (Veenstra): routine testing for Factor V Leiden (R506Q) and prothrombin (20210G>A) mutations in adults with a history of idiopathic venous thromboembolism and their adult family members. Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) Working Group. Genet Med. 2011 Jan;13(1):67-76.
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