Dan Magestro

Adjunct Professor of Finance at Fisher College of Business


  • Fisher College of Business



Fisher College of Business

I'm devoted to helping companies understand how best to achieve organizational goals around data and analytics, in support of strategic business objectives. Companies struggle in many ways on the path to being data-driven; my prior experience as a client gives me the right perspective on how the right leadership and plan, coupled with successful partnerships, truly can accelerate a company's data capabilities.

Slalom provides strategy, technology, and transformation consulting services to help clients innovate, solve business problems, and create value. My passions are embedded deeply in Slalom's mission, and I'm excited to represent such a strong firm. We're busy and growing, and we are an amazing place to work! Please reach out if you're interested in joining the Slalom team.


  • B.S. Marquette University
  • Ph.D. Michigan State University

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