Christian Wagner

Chair Professor of Social Media at CityU College of Business


  • CityU College of Business



CityU College of Business

Professor Christian Wagner has served on CityU’s faculty for over 15 years. He is currently Chair Professor in the School of Creative Media, as well as Associate Provost for Quality Assurance. Professor Wagner started his academic career at the University of Southern California after receiving his PhD in Business Administration from the University of British Columbia in 1989.

Professor Wagner specializes in the development and study of creativity support, collective intelligence, knowledge management, and the use of computer games for learning. He is an award-winning author, multiple teaching award winner, experienced administrator, and software entrepreneur. He is most recognized for his research on wikis and their impact on organizational performance.

Research Interests/Areas

  • Information system based decision support for unstructured, wide-and-open, and problem solving tasks
  • Virtual community informatics and knowledge management
  • Use of information technology to support strategic planning and performance management
  • Design and test of artifacts to support systems development


  • PhD - Commerce (Management Information Systems)
  • Diplom-Ingenieur (MSc.) - Industrial Engineering
  • Vordiplom (BSc.) - Industrial Engineering


Journal Publications and Reviews

Ke, Xiaobo; Wagner, Christian / Global pandemic compels sport to move to esports: understanding from brand extension perspective. July 2020; In: Managing Sport and Leisure.

Ip, Rachael Kwai Fun; Wagner, Christian / LibQual+® as a predictor of library success: Extracting new meaning through structured equation modeling. March 2020; In: Journal of Academic Librarianship. Vol. 46, No. 2

Du, Helen S.; Ke, Xiaobo; Wagner, Christian / Inducing individuals to engage in a gamified platform for environmental conservation. February 2020; In: Industrial Management and Data Systems. Vol. 120, No. 4, pp. 692-713

Du, Helen S.; Ke, Xiaobo; He, Wei; Chu, Samuel K.W.; Wagner, Christian / Achieving mobile social media popularity to enhance customer acquisition: Cases from P2P lending firms. December 2019; In: Internet Research. Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1386-1409

Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian; Liu, Lili / Enhancing User Engagement through Gamification. July 2018; In: Journal of Computer Information Systems. Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 204-213

Liu, Lili; Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian / Empathy or Perceived Credibility? An Empirical Study on Individual Donation Behavior in Charitable Crowdfunding. May 2018; In: Internet Research. Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 623-651

Jiang, Ling; Mirkovski, Kristijan; D. Wall, Jeffrey; Wagner, Christian; Benjamin Lowry, Paul / Proposing the core contributor withdrawal theory (CCWT) to understand core contributor withdrawal from online peer-production communities. April 2018; In: Internet Research. Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 988-1028

Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian / How gamification of an enterprise collaboration system increases knowledge contribution: an affordance approach. March 2017; In: Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 416-431

Suh, Ayoung; Cheung, Christy M.K.; Ahuja, Manju; Wagner, Christian / Gamification in the Workplace: The Central Role of the Aesthetic Experience. January 2017; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 268-305

Alam, Md. Mahbubul; Wagner, Christian / The Relative Importance of Monetary and Non-Monetary Drivers for Information and Communication Technology Acceptance in Rural Agribusiness†. October 2016; In: Information Technology for Development. Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 654-671

Liu, Lili; Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian / Watching online videos interactively: the impact of media capabilities in Chinese Danmaku video sites. July 2016; In: Chinese Journal of Communication. Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 283-303

Wagner, Christian; Zhang, Jenny / Social media advice and its impact on belief revision. April 2016; In: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 5455-5460

SHAH, Mariam Aman; OZTOK, Murat; WAGNER, Christian / Drivers of MOOC Sustainability: A Comparison of the US and India. December 2015; In: International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management. Vol. 23, pp. 1.1-1.8

WAGNER, Christian; SUH, Ayoung / Opening the “Black Box” of Collective Intelligence: A Critical Reflection. December 2015; In: Issues in Information Systems. Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 209-214

Jiang, Ling; Wagner, Christian / Perceptions of Justice or Injustice as Determinant of Contributor Defections from Online Communities. July 2015; In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 66, No. 7, pp. 1477-1493

Cheung, Christy M.K.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Wagner, Christian / Introduction to social media and e-business transformation minitrack. January 2015; In: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2015-March

Liu, Lili; Wagner, Christian; Chen, Huaping / Determinants of Commitment in an Online Community: Assessing the Antecedents of Weak Ties and Their Impact. August 2014; In: Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 271-296

Chiang, Chi-Ting; Wagner, Christian; Schmidt, Fabian; Komatsu, Eiichiro / Position-dependent power spectrum of the large-scale structure: a novel method to measure the squeezed-limit bispectrum. May 2014; In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. Vol. 2014, No. 5

Cheung, Christy M.K.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Wagner, Christian / Introduction to social media and e-business transformation minitrack. March 2014; In: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Majchrzak, Ann; Wagner, Christian; Yates, Dave / The impact of shaping on knowledge reuse for organizational improvement with Wikis. June 2013; In: MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 455-469

Zhao, Sesia J.; Zhang, Kem Z.K.; Wagner, Christian; Chen, Huaping / Investigating the determinants of contribution value in Wikipedia. February 2013; In: International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 83-92

ALAM, Md. Mahbubul; WAGNER, Christian / Assessing the Impact of Digital Procurement via Mobile Phone on the Agribusiness of Rural Bangladesh: A Decision-analytic Approach. 2013; In: Agribusiness & Information Management. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 31 - 41

WAGNER, Christian; DIBIA, Victor / Exploring The Effectiveness of Online Role-Play Gaming in the Acquisition Of Complex And Tacit Knowledge. 2013; In: Issues in Information Systems. Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 367 - 374

Schroeder, Andreas; Wagner, Christian / Governance of open content creation: A conceptualization and analysis of control and guiding mechanisms in the open content domain. October 2012; In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 63, No. 10, pp. 1947-1959

Wagner, Christian; Jiang, Ling / Harnessing the power of social media for creativity support: A three-pronged approach. June 2012; In: Knowledge Management and E-Learning. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 174-194

Buhl, Hans Ulrich; Fridgen, Gilbert; König, Wolfgang; Röglinger, Maximilian; Wagner, Christian / Where's the competitive advantage in strategic information systems research? Making the case for boundary-spanning research based on the German business and information systems engineering tradition. June 2012; In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 172-178

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / Editorial: Collaborative knowledge management and e-learning. June 2011; In: Knowledge Management and E-Learning. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 116-118

Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan; Wagner, Christian / Explaining the sustainability of digital ecosystems based on the wiki model through critical-mass theory. June 2011; In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 2065-2072

Du, Helen; Hao, Jin-Xing; Kwok, Ron; Wagner, Christian / Can a Lean Medium Enhance Large-Group Communication? Examining the Impact of Interactive Mobile Learning. October 2010; In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 61, No. 10, pp. 2122-2137

Yates, Dave; Wagner, Christian; Majchrzak, Ann / Factors affecting shapers of organizational wikis. March 2010; In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 543-554

Wagner, Christian; Schroeder, Andreas / Capabilities and roles of enterprise wikis in organizational communication. February 2010; In: Technical Communication. Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 68-89

Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan; Wagner, Christian / The role of Wiki technology and altruism in collaborative knowledge creation. June 2009; In: Journal of Computer Information Systems. Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 33-41

Wagner, Christian; IP, Kwai Fun / Action Learning with Second Life - A Pilot Study. 2009; In: Journal of Information Systems Education. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 249 - 258

Lee, Zoonky; Wagner, Christian; Shin, Ho Kyoung / The effect of decision support system expertise on system use behavior and performance. September 2008; In: Information and Management. Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 349-358

Kwai Fun IP, Rachael; Wagner, Christian / Weblogging: A study of social computing and its impact on organizations. May 2008; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 242-250

WAGNER, Christian; BACK, Andrea / Group wisdom support systems: Aggregating the insights of many through information technology. 2008; In: Issues in Information Systems. Vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 343 - 350

Wagner, Christian / Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds. 2008; In: Journal of Information Systems Education. Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 263-266

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / Learning with weblogs: Enhancing cognitive and social knowledge construction. March 2007; In: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 1-16

Wagner, Christian; Majchrzak, Ann / Enabling customer-centricity using wikis and the wiki Way. December 2006; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 17-43

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / Weblog success: Exploring the role of technology. September 2006; In: International Journal of Human Computer Studies. Vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 789-798

Wagner, Christian / Breaking the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck Through Conversational Knowledge Management. January 2006; In: Information Resources Management Journal. Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 70-83

Wagner, Christian; Cheung, Karen S.K.; Ip, Rachael K.F.; Böttcher, Stefan / Building Semantic Webs for e-government with Wiki technology. 2006; In: Electronic Government. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 36-55

Wagner, Christian; Bolloju, Narasimha / Supporting knowledge management in organizations with conversational technologies: Discussion forums, weblogs, and wikis. April 2005; In: Journal of Database Management. Vol. 16, No. 2

Wagner, Christian; Cheung, Karen S. K.; Ip, Rachael K. F.; Lee, Fion S. L. / Deceptive communication in virtual communities. 2005; In: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Davison, Robert M.; Wagner, Christian; Ma, Louis C.K. / From government to e-government: A transition model. 2005; In: Information Technology and People. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 280-299

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / Learning with weblogs: An empirical investigation. 2005; In: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Wagner, Christian / Enterprise strategy management systems: Current and next generation. July 2004; In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems. Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 105-128

Wagner, Christian; Turban, Efraim / Are INTELLIGENT E-Commerce Agents PARTNERS or PREDATORS?. May 2002; In: Communications of the ACM. Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 84-90

Poon, PoPo; Wagner, Christian / Critical success factors revisited: Success and failure cases of information systems for senior executives. March 2001; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 393-418

Wagner, Christian / End users as expert system developers?. July 2000; In: Journal of End User Computing. Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 3-13

Ju, Edward; Wagner, Christian / Personal computer adventure games: Their structure, principles, and applicability for training. March 1997; In: Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 78-91

WAGNER, Christian; VOGEL, Doug; EDEN, Colin / “Wide-and-Open” versus “Narrow-and-Deep” group support: Which approach is better?. January 1997; In: Group Decision and Negotiation. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 109-111

Goldstein, Robert C.; Wagner, Christian / Database management with sequence trees and tokens. 1997; In: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 186-192

Wagner, Christian / Learning through role play software: A feasible approach to professional education?. 1997; In: Wirtschaftsinformatik. Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 547-553

Wagner, Christian / Creative behavior through basic inferences: Evidence from person-computer interactions. June 1996; In: Journal of Creative Behavior. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 105-118

Wagner, Christian / Facilitating space-time differences, group heterogeneity and multi-sensory task work through a multimedia supported group decision system. November 1995; In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 197-210

Wagner, Christian / Decision support for "messy" problems. June 1995; In: Information and Management. Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 393-403

Wagner, Christian; Hayashi, Albert / A New Way To Create Winning Product Ideas. March 1994; In: The Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 146-155

Wagner, C / Problem solving and diagnosis. November 1993; In: Omega. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 645-656

Maccrimmon, Kenneth R.; Wagner, Christian / The architecture of an information system for the support of alternative generation. December 1991; In: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 49-67

Conference Papers

Hui, Anna; Wagner, Christian; Lam, Hon-sang / Immersive Learning in Psychology Education: An Experimental Study. November 2018; Taiwan Educational Research Association-Global Association on Chinese Creativity (TERA-GACC) 2018 International Conference, 08/11/2018 - 11/11/2018, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

ZHAO Hongying; CAI Xiaofang; Wagner, Christian / Exploring User Motivations to Knowledge Contribution at the Creation Stage of Online Communities. June 2018; 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?, PACIS 2018, 26/06/2018 - 30/06/2018, Yokohama, Japan. pp. 3037-3044

Gonzalez, Octavio; SAM, Chung Ting; LO, Kwan Yi; Hui, Anna; Wagner, Christian / Hedonic or Utilitarian Pedagogical Design: The Relevance of Individual Immersion for Learning. November 2016; 2016 Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association-Taiwan Education Research Association, 10/11/2016 - 13/11/2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. pp. 94

LIU, Lili; SUH, Ayoung; WAGNER, Cristian / Can I Interact with Videos?: Investigating the Impact of Real-Time Commentary System Capabilities in Chinese Video Websites. July 2015; Association for Information Systems, China Chapter (CNAIS), 05/07/2015 - 09/07/2015, , Singapore.

JIANG, Ling; WAGNER, Christian / Participation in Micro-task Crowdsourcing Markets as Work and Leisure: The Impact of Motivation and Micro-time Structuring. June 2014; Collective Intelligence 2014, 10/06/2014 - 12/06/2014, , United States.

JIANG, Ling; LOWRY, Paul Benjamin; WAGNER, Christian / Understanding Contributor Withdrawal from Online Communities: The Role of Cognitive Dissonance and Emotional Change. December 2013; JAIS Theory Development Workshop, 15/12/2013 - 18/12/2013, Milan, Italy.

Wagner, Christian; Suh, Ayoung / Opening the “Black Box” of Collective Intelligence. December 2013; Tenth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society, 12/12/2013 - 13/12/2013, , Thailand.

BOLLOJU, Narasimha; WAGNER, Christian / Collaborative Work Using Wikis vs. Blackboard Groups: Experiences from a Graduate Course. October 2013; International Conference on Education – IAC-ETel 2013, 17/10/2013 - 18/10/2013, , Czech Republic.

Wagner, C; DIBIA, Victor / EXPLORING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE ROLE-PLAY GAMING IN THE ACQUISITION OF COMPLEX AND TACIT KNOWLEDGE. September 2013; International Association for Computer Information Systems, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2-5, 2013, 02/09/2013 - 05/09/2013, San Juan Puerto Rico, United States. pp. 367-374

WAGNER, Christian / Collaborative Work Using Wikis vs. Blackboard Groups: Experiences from a Graduate Course on Systems Integration. April 2010; 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2010), 07/04/2010 - 10/04/2010, Valencia, Spain.

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Ke, Xiaobo; Wagner, Christian / Visualizing Emotion and Absorption Through a Low Resolution LED Array: From Electroencephalography to Internet of Things. July 2020; Augmented Cognition: Theoretical and Technological Approaches: 14th International Conference, AC 2020: Proceedings. Vol. Part I, pp. 142-156

Ke, Xiaobo; Du, Helen S; Wagner, Christian / Encouraging Individuals to Go Green by Gamification: An Empirical Study. July 2019; PACIS 2019 Proceedings.

Ke, Xiaobo; Wagner, Christian / The Impact of Game Peripherals on the Gamer Experience and Performance. July 2019; Augmented Cognition - 13th International Conference, AC 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Proceedings. pp. 256-272

Suh, Ayoung; Wang, Guan; Gu, Wenying; Wagner, Christian / Enhancing Audience Engagement Through Immersive 360-Degree Video: An Experimental Study. June 2018; Augmented Cognition: Intelligent Technologies. pp. 425-443

LIU, Lili; WAGNER, Christian; SUH, Ayoung / Understanding the Success of Pokémon Go: Impact of Immersion on Players’ Continuance Intention. May 2017; Augmented Cognition: Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human Environments. Vol. 10285, pp. 514-523

LIU, Lili; SUH, Ayoung; WAGNER, Christian / Who is with You? Integrating a Play Experience into Online Video Watching via Danmaku Technology. May 2017; Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction Contexts. Vol. 10272, pp. 63-73

LIU, Lili; SUH, Ayoung; WAGNER, Christian / Donation Behavior in Online Micro Charities:: An Investigation of Charitable Crowdfunding Projects. January 2017; Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017).

Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian / Explaining a Virtual Worker’s Job Performance: The Role of Psychological Distance. July 2016; Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience. pp. 241-252

LIU, Lili; SUH, Ayoung; WAGNER, Cristian / Investigating Communal Interactive Video Viewing Experiences Online. June 2016; Human-Computer Interaction. Novel User Experiences. pp. 538-548

Cheung, Christy M.K.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Wagner, Christian / Introduction to Social Media and e-Business Transformation Minitrack. January 2016; Proceedings of the 2016 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 908-908

Jiang, Ling; Wagner, Christian; Nardi, Bonnie / Not Just in it for the Money: A Qualitative Investigation of Workers' Perceived Benefits of Micro-task Crowdsourcing. March 2015; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2015-March, pp. 773-782

Diba, Victor; Wagner, Christian / Success within app distribution platforms: The contribution of app diversity and app cohesivity. March 2015; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2015-March, pp. 4304-4313

Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian; Liu, Lili / The effects of game dynamics on user engagement in gamified systems. March 2015; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2015-March, pp. 672-681

Liu, Lili; Ip, Rachael K. F.; Wagner, Christian; Shum, Anna / Learning Effects of Virtual Game Worlds: An Empirical Investigation of Immersion, Enjoyment and Performance. August 2014; 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014): Smart Sustainability: The Information Systems Opportunity. pp. 4352-4362

Wagner, Christian; Suh, Ayoung / The wisdom of crowds: Impact of collective size and expertise transfer on collective performance. January 2014; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 594-603

Jiang, Ling; Wagner, Christian / Structuring time through participation in micro-task crowdsourcing: A time allocation perspective. 2014; 35th International Conference on Information Systems "Building a Better World Through Information Systems", ICIS 2014.

Nickerson, Jeffrey V.; Brunswicker, Sabine; Wagner, Christian; Butler, Brian S. / The evolution of ideas by crowds and communities: Competition vs. cooperation. 2014; 35th International Conference on Information Systems "Building a Better World Through Information Systems", ICIS 2014.

Wagner, Christian; Suh, Ayoung / The role of task difficulty in the effectiveness of collective intelligence. July 2013; IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies. pp. 90-95

Alam, Md. Mahbubul; Wagner, Christian / "Facebook distress": A model to investigate discontinuation of social networking site use. June 2013; Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2013.

Suh, Ayoung; Wagner, Christian / Factors affecting individual flaming in virtual communities. 2013; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 3282-3291

Liu, Lili; Wagner, Christian; Chen, Huaping / Determining the value of a virtual community to its participants. 2011; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 723-732

Wagner, Christian; Zhao, Sesia; Schneider, Christoph; Chen, Huaping / The wisdom of reluctant crowds. 2010; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Wang, Yi; Wagner, Christian; Ip, Rachael K.F. / An empirical investigation of the key factors for refactoring success in an industrial context. August 2009; 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, AMCIS 2009. Vol. 8, pp. 5031-5040

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / A techno-social approach for achieving online readership popularity. 2009; ICIS 2009 Proceedings - Thirtieth International Conference on Information Systems.

Wagner, Christian; Liu, Lily; Schneider, Christoph; Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan; Chen, Huaping / Creating a successful professional virtual community: A sustainable digital ecosystem for idea sharing. 2009; 2009 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, DEST '09. pp. 163-167

Topi, Heikki; Valacich, Joseph S.; Wright, Ryan T.; Kaiser, Kate; Sipior, Janice C.; Nunamaker, Jay F.; Wagner, Christian; Bjørn-Andersen, Niels / IS 2009: Changing the course for undergraduate is model curricula. 2009; ICIS 2009 Proceedings - Thirtieth International Conference on Information Systems.

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / Online readership popularity and media-embedded characteristics. 2009; 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, AMCIS 2009. Vol. 10, pp. 6461-6468

Wagner, Christian / Wikis and beyond: Harnessing collective intelligence through web 2.0 technologies. 2009; 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, AMCIS 2009. Vol. 7

Wagner, Christian / Breaking the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck through Conversational Knowledge Management. 2008; Innovative Technologies for Information Resources Management. pp. 200-214

Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan; Wagner, Christian / Creating critical mass in collaboration systems: Insights from wikipedia. 2008; 2008 2nd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, IEEE-DEST 2008. pp. 126-130

Ip, Rachael K. F.; Wagner, Christian; Zhao, Sesia J. / Learning real business skills in a virtual world: An action learning perspective. 2008; 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2008. Vol. 2, pp. 939-948

Zhao, Sesia J.; Wagner, Christian; Huaping, Chen / Review of prediction market research: Guidelines for information systems research. 2008; PACIS 2008 - 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Leveraging ICT for Resilient Organizations and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific Region.

Wagner, Christian; Back, Andrea; Koenig, Wolfgang; Keller, Elke Simon / Use of Web 2.0 technology to enhance customer relationships. 2008; PACIS 2008 - 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Leveraging ICT for Resilient Organizations and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific Region.

Majchrzak, Ann; Birnbaum-More, Phil; Johnson, Jeremiah; Sengupta, Kishore; Wagner, Christian / Utiliser les wikis pour générer de la connaissance durant ICIS 2007. 2008; ICIS 2008 Proceedings - Twenty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems.

Te’eni, Dov; Majchrzak, Ann; Sengupta, Kishore; Wagner, Chris; Zmud, Robert / FACILITATING EXPLORATORY CONVERSATIONS: HERE AND NOW. December 2007; ICIS 2007 Proceedings: Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems.

WAGNER, Christian; PRASARNPHANICH, P / eLearning 2.0: Creating a Learner Centered Culture with Weblogs and Wikis. 2007; Proceedings of the 8th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference (APRU DLI 2007).

Wagner, Christian; Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan / Innovating collaborative content creation: The role of altruism and wiki technology. 2007; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Majchrzak, Ann; Wagner, Chris; Riehle, Dirk; Thoeny, Peter; Shah, Sunir; Cunningham, Ward / The role of shapers in knowledge-sharing. 2007; Virtuality and Virtualization. Vol. 236, pp. 383-386

Du, Helen S.; Hao, Jin-Xing; Kwok, Ron C.W.; Wagner, Christian / Can lean media enhance large group learning? An empirical investigation of mobile information and communication technology. July 2006; PACIS 2006 - 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: ICT and Innovation Economy. pp. 1467-1481

Majchrzak, Ann; Wagner, Christian; Yates, Dave / Corporate wiki users: Results of a survey. 2006; Proceedings of WikiSym'06 - 2006 International Symposium on Wikis. Vol. 2006, pp. 99-104

Mccubbrey, Don; Huang, Wayne; Wagner, Chris; Watson, Rick / The global text project: Engaging many for the benefit of many more. 2006; Association for Information Systems - 12th Americas Conference On Information Systems, AMCIS 2006. Vol. 2

Fun, Rachael I.P. Kwai; Wagner, Christian / An exploratory study on the progress of social computing and its potential impact on organizational computing. 2005; 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: I.T. and Value Creation, PACIS 2005. pp. 220-233

Wagner, Christian; Vogel, Doug / Pathway to massive mobility in educational computing. 2005; Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Informatics Education Research. pp. 235-246

Du, Helen S.; Wagner, Christian / Success in the "blogosphere": Exploring the role of technology. 2005; 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: I.T. and Value Creation, PACIS 2005. pp. 1255-1266

Wagner, Christian / Collaborative Knowledge Management: Breaking the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck. 2004; Innovations Through Information Technology. Vol. 1, pp. 341-344

Wagner, Christian; Lee, Fion; Ip, Rachael; Cheung, Karen / Intentional communication breakdowns in virtual communities of interest: A hindrance to end-user knowledge management. May 2003; Information technology and organizations: trends, issues, challenges and solutions. pp. 666-669

Wagner, Christian / A Course in Virtual Work. 2000; Challenges of Information Technology Management in the 21st Century. pp. 699-700

Poon, Po Po ; Wagner, Christian / Organizational resistance to EIS development: A multiple case study. August 1999; AMCIS 1999 Proceedings. pp. 686-688

Wagner, Christian / Use of simulation gaming to assess impact of inter-organizational information sharing on inventory performance. August 1998; AMCIS 1998 Proceedings. pp. 795-797

Wagner, Christian / Learning through role play with computer software. August 1997; AMCIS 1997 Proceedings.

MacCrimmon, Kenneth R.; Wagner, Christian / SUPPORTING PROBLEM FORMULATION AND ALTERNATIVE GENERATION IN MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING. January 1991; Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 3, pp. 432-441

Research Areas

  • Information system based decision support for unstructured, wide-and-open, and problem solving tasks
  • Virtual community informatics and knowledge management
  • Use of information technology to support strategic planning and performance management
  • Design and test of artifacts to support systems development


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