Chia Yu Kou Barrett

Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Applied Psychology Organisational Behaviour and Applied Psychology at Cranfield School of Management


  • Cranfield School of Management



Cranfield School of Management


Prior to joining Cranfield University, she was an assistant professor in Organisational Behaviour in Management, Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin, Ireland. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Organisational Behaviour from the Department of Management Science and Innovation, University College London, UK. 

In her scholarly work, she explores how interdisciplinary teams work collaboratively to share knowledge, solve problems, and coordinate their individual''s tasks in high-hazard engineering projects, and distributed organization and project.

Her past research appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly and Small Group Research.


Articles In Journals

  • Kou C-Y & Harvey S (2022) A dialogic perspective on managing knowledge differences: problem-solving while building a nuclear power plant safety system, Organization Studies, 43 (9) 1355-1378.
  • Stewart VR, Snyder DG & Kou C-Y (2021) We hold ourselves accountable: a relational view of team accountability, Journal of Business Ethics, Available online 18 November 2021.
  • Kou C-Y (2021) Team boundary spanning in a large engineering project, Small Group Research, 52 (4) 405-430.
  • Kou C (2019) Subjective interdependencies in knowledge integration, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Available online 17 October, 2019 (4).
  • Dong MH & Kou CY. (2018) The Value of Political Ties under Scandal: A Case Study of Four Taiwanese Companies 再探企業政治連結的價值: 企業危機中的政商關係, Journal of Management and Business Research, 35 (4) 481-501.
  • Kou C & Stewart V. (2017) Group Accountability: A Review and Extension of Existing Research, Small Group Research, 49 (1) 34-61.
  • Harvey S & Kou C. (2013) Collective Engagement in Creative Tasks: The Role of Evaluation in the Creative Process in Groups, Administrative Science Quarterly, 58 (3) 346-386.

Conference Papers

  • Stewart V, Snyder DG & Kou CY (2019) Collective Team Accountability. In: The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, 9-13 August 2019.
  • Harvey S & Kou CY (2018) Ideas as Organizing Mechanisms for Collective Creative Combination. In: 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, 5-9 August 2016.
  • Kou CY (2017) Assembling Process: A Model of How Cross-Team Work Relationships Are Developed. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2017, Atlanta GA, 4-8 August 2017.
  • Harvey S & Kou C. (2013) Collective engagement: Exploring creative processes in groups. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013 - Orlando, Orlando, Florida, 9-13 August 2013.
  • Kou C & Harvey S. (2012) The task redefinition process: Exploring the micro-foundations of knowledge sharing in organizations. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2012, Boston, MA, 3-7 August 2012.


  • Harvey S, Kou C & Xie W. (2018) Leading for creative synthesis: A process-based model for creative leadership. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • Kou CY & Harvey S. (2018) Coding Scheme for Group Creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ed. 1.
  • Harvey S & Kou C. (2017) Social processes and team creativity: Locating collective creativity in team interactions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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