Chenli Liu

Professor and Director at Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology



Prof. Liu is a Pengcheng Distinguished Professor in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Vice President of SIAT, the Director of CAS Key Laboratory for Quantitative Engineering Biology, the Director of Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology (iSynBio), the Chief Scientist of Shenzhen Synthetic Biology Core Facility. Liu also serves as the Executive Editor-in-Chief of Synthetic Biology Journal (Chinese), Associate Editor of Engineering Biology, and mLife, and as Editorial Advisory Board member of the journals ACS Synthetic Biology, Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, and Quantitative Biology, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, and reviewer of THE XPLORER PRIZE of Tencent, MIT Technology Review 35 under 35, and other awards. Liu obtained a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Hong Kong, and postdoctoral training in MCB, Harvard University, where he worked on RNAs roles in chromosome organization. He also is the recipients of several prestigious awards, e.g. "Young Scientists Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences", "Excellent Mentor Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences", "State Council Expert for Special Allowance", "VCANBIO Award for Biosciences and Medicine", "Li Ka Shing Award", "Hong Kong Young Scientist Award", etc.

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