Charles Manz
Nirenberg Chaired Professor of Business Leadership Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst
PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, 1981 MBA, Michigan State University, 1975 BA, Michigan State University, 1974
Academic Appointments
Nirenberg Chaired Professor of Business Leadership, Department of Management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1997-Present Professor, Department of Management, College of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1995-1997 Associate Professor, Department of Management, College of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1988-1989 Marvin Bower Fellow, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Soldiers Field, Boston, Massachusetts, 1988-1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Management and Organization, School of Management, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesotao, 1982-1988
Research Interests
- Leadership (Self-Leadership, Empowering Leadership, Virtuous Leadership, Shared Leadership, International Leadership)
- Organizational Values and Virtues (Ethical and Virtuous Organizational Behavior, Workplace Spirituality, Positive Organizational Scholarship)
- Work Teams (Empowered Teams, Leading Teams, Virtual Teams, Groupthink & Teamthink, Team Member Self-Management)
- Emotion at Work (Emotional Self-Leadership, Emotion Regulation and Discipline, Succeeding Through Failure, Emotional Intelligence)
- Health, Fitness and Wellness at Work (Fitness & Leadership, Stress Management, Wellness Practices & Personal Effectiveness)
- Organizational Knowledge and Learning (Knowledge Management, Vicarious Learning & Modeling Based Training, Andragogy/Adult Learning, Management Education)
Teaching Interests
- Empowerment
- Leadership
- Teams and Collaboration
- Leadership
- Teams and Collaboration
- Leadership
Recent Honors & Awards
High visibility and citation impact in the management literature (e.g., listed in a leading Organizational Behavior textbook as one of the most influential management scholars in the last 100 years and one of only 7 in the last 30 years, and ranked 13th w, 2012 Selected for keynote presentations at several universities (e.g., Harvard, University of Chicago, Moscow School of Management), 2012-2013
Selected Publications
Manz, C.C. and Pearce, C.L. (2018) Twisted Leadership: How to Engage the Full Talents of Everyone in Your Organization, Maven House Press.
Neck, C.P. Manz, C.C. and Houghton, J. (2020) Self-Leadership: The Definitive Guide to Personal Excellence, 2nd Ed., Sage.
Manz, C.C. (2015) “Taking the Self-Leadership High Road: Smooth Surface or Pot Holes Ahead?,” Academy of Management Perspectives, 29, 132-151.
Stewart G.L., Courtright, S.H. & Manz, C.C. (2019) “Self-Leadership: A Paradoxical Core of Organizational Behavior,” the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 47–67.
Skaggs, B.C. Manz, C.C. Lyle. M.C.B. and Pearce, C.L. (2018) “On the Folly of Punishing A While Hoping for A: Exploring Punishment in Organizations,” Journal of Organizational Behavior; 39, 812–815 .
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