Carlos Mena
Visiting Fellow at Cranfield School of Management
Nike Professor of Supply Chain Management at Portland State University
Cranfield School of Management
Current activities
Carlos has been involved in a wide range of educational programs including MSc, MBA, PhD, and executive education. He has also been responsible for designing a new MSc in Procurement and Supply Chain Management. His educational efforts have earned him the Cranfield School of Management Director's Teaching and Learning Award for Innovation in Teaching, and the Cranfield Student's Association Teaching Award for the Most Engaging Professor.
Carlos has received Fellowships from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), and the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA). He is also the recipient of visiting appointments from the University of Warwick (UK), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), the University of North Carolina (USA), and the University of Rome (Italy).
Carlos received his Doctorate degree and MSc in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick in the UK. He also holds a BEng in Industrial Engineering from the Iberoamericana University in Mexico.
Articles In Journals
- Søgaard B, Skipworth HD, Bourlakis M, Mena C & Wilding R (2019) Facing Disruptive Technologies: Aligning Purchasing Maturity to Contingencies, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24 (1) 147-169.
- Lusiantoro L, Yates N, Mena C & Varga L (2018) A refined framework of information sharing in perishable product supply chains, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 48 (3) 254-283.
- Hansen C, Mena C & Aktas E (2018) The role of political risk in service offshoring entry mode decisions, International Journal of Production Research, Early online.
- Saghiri S, Wilding R, Mena C & Bourlakis M (2017) Toward a three-dimensional framework for omni-channel, Journal of Business Research, 77 (August) 53-67.
- Hansen C, Mena C & Skipworth H (2017) Exploring political risk in offshoring engagements, International Journal of Production Research, 55 (7) 2051-2067.
- Cerruti C, Mena C, Skipworth H & Tavoletti E (2016) Characterizing agile supply partnerships in the fashion industry, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 36 (8) 923-947.
- Hess TM, Andersson U, Mena C & Williams A (2015) The impact of healthier dietary scenarios on the global blue water scarcity footprint of food consumption in the UK, Food Policy, 50 1-10.
- Danloup N, Mirza Beiki V, Allaoui H, Julien D, Mena C & Goncalves G (2015) Reducing transportation greenhouse gas emissions with collaborative distribution: a case study, Management Research Review, 38 (10).
- Sandberg E & Mena C (2015) Exploring Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of Retail Purchasing Groups, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 25 (3) 276-297.
- Mena C, Terry L, Williams A & Ellram L (2014) Causes of waste across multi-tier supply networks: Cases in the UK food sector, International Journal of Production Economics, 152 (June) 144-158.
- Mena C, Van Hoek R & Gattorna J (2014) Mind the Gaps: Exploring How Value-Creation Perceptions Across the Internal Triad Influence Identity and Impact, Journal of Business Logistics, 35 (1) 44-51.
- Van Hoek R, Mena C & Gattorna J (2014) Mind the Gaps: Exploring how Value-Creation Perceptions across the Internal Triad Influence and Impact, Journal of Business Logistics, 35 (1) 44-51.
- Mena C, Humphries A & Choi TY (2013) Towards a Theory of Multi-tier Supply Chain Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 49 (2) 58-77.
- Bernon M & Mena C (2013) The Evolution of Customised Executive Education in Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18 (4) 440-453.
- Ettouzani Y, Yates N & Mena C (2012) Examining Retail on Shelf Availability: Promotional Impact and a Call for Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 42 (3) 213-243.
- Adenso-Diaz B, Mena C, Garcia-Carbajal G & Liechty A (2012) The impact of supply network characteristics on reliability, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17 (3) 263-276.
- Marucheck A, Greis N, Mena C & Cai L (2011) Product safety and security in the global supply chain: Issues, challenges and research opportunities, Journal of Operations Management, 29 (7-8) 707-720.
- Christopher M, Mena C, Khan O & Yurt O (2011) Approaches to managing global sourcing risk, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16 (2) 67-81.
- Mena C, Adenso-Diaz B & Yurt O (2011) The causes of food waste in the supplier-retailer interface: Evidences from the UK and Spain, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55 (6) 648-658.
- Mena C & Braithwaite A (2010) Innovation in Supply Chains, Logistics and Transport Focus, 12 (8) 36-38.
- Mena C (2010) Sustainable Global Sourcing, Management Focus (29) 10-13.
- Whicker L, Bernon M, Templar S & Mena C (2009) Understanding the relationships between time and cost to improve supply chain performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 121 (2) 641-650.
- Mena C, Humphries A & Wilding R (2009) A comparison of Inter- and Intra-organizational Relationships: Two case studies from UK food and drink industry, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 39 (9) 762-784.
- Johnson M & Mena C (2008) Supply Chain Management for Servitised Products: A multi-industry case study, International Journal of Production Economics, 114 (1) 27-39.
- Christopher M, Khan O, Mena C & Palmer A (2007) Understanding the true costs of global sourcing, Supply Chain Standard.
- Tatsis V, Mena C, Van Wassenhove LN & Whicker L (2006) E-procurement in the Greek food and drink industry: Drivers and impediments, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 12 (2) 63-74.
- Mena C, Aspinall R, Bernon M, Templar S & Whicker L (2004) Gaining Visibility of Your Supply Chain Costs., Logistics and Transport Focus, 6 (6) 54-58.
- Mena C, Whicker L, Templar S & Bernon MP (2002)
Conference Papers
- Nonhoff B, Skipworth H, Bourlakis M, Mena C, Bernon M & Reefke H (2017) Exploring the imperative for purchasing strategic alignment to drive purchasing maturity. In: 24th EurOMA Conference 2017, Edinburgh, 1-5 July 2017.
- Carr J, Skipworth HD & Mena C (2016) Product architecture design: the role for supply chain configuration. In: 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando, FL, 6-9 May 2016.
- Habib F, Pilbeam C, Mena C & Bastl M (2016) The art of disengagement: Exit strategies in manufacturing and service sector. In: 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando, FL, 6-9 May 2016.
- Mirzabeiki, V, Stephens, C, Mena Madrazo, C, Wilding & R (2015) Co-opetition in the UK logistics industry: drivers and barriers. In: The 20th Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), University of Derby, 9-11 September 2015.
- Mirzabeiki, Vahid, Julien, Denyse, Mena, Carlos, Saghiri, Soroosh, Bourlakis & Michael (2015) Inter-organisational Collaboration for Improving Sustainability Performance of Food Supply Chains, POMS 2015, Washington DC, US.. In: POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) 26th Annual Conference, Washington DC, 8-11 May 2015.
- Mirzabeiki V, Danloup N, Allaoui H, Goncalves G, Julien D & Mena C (2014) Improving Sustainability Performance Through Collaborative Food Distribution. In: International Conference on Green Supply Chain, Arras, 25-27 June 2014.
- Habib F, Pilbeam CJ, Mena C & Bastl M (2014) How to leave your partner? - Exit strategies in buyer-supplier relationships. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2014 BAM2014*, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014.
- Mirza Beiki V, Julien D, Mena Madrazo C, Saghiri S, Bourlakis M & Mirza Beiki V (2014) Collaborative Relationships for Sustainability Performance of Food Supply Chains - a Conceptual Model. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2014, Huddersfield, 3-5 September 2014.
- Mirza Beiki V, Julien D, Mena Madrazo C, Saghiri S, Bourlakis M & Mirza Beiki V (2014) Collaboration for sustainability in food supply chains - A survey. In: POMS Conference, Atlanta, 9-12 May 2014.
- Mirzabeiki V, Julien D, Mena C, Saghiri S & Bourlakis M (2014) The Effects of Collaborative Relationships on Sustainability Performance: A Survey of Food Supply Chains. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2014, Huddersfield, 3-5 September 2014.
- Mena C, Bernon M, Templar S & Whicker L (2013) Developing a Tool for Analysing Cause-Effect Relationships in the Supply Chain. In: 18th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2013), Salzburg, 7 July 2013. van Hoek R & Mena C (2012) Avoiding Procurement Blindspots. In: Logistics Research Network 2012, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, Cranfield, 5-7 September 2012.
- Baker M, Mena C & van Hoek R (2011) Ethical Trading Practices: Expanding perspectives to different corners of the playing field. In: Supply Chain Management Educational Conference 2011, Barcelona, 8 June 2011.
- Cerruti C & Mena C (2011) Agile supply chain capabilities and practices: a systematic literature review. In: EURAM 2011 - 11th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Tallinn, 1 June 2011.
- Humphries A & Mena C (2011) Are dyadic constructs applicable to supply networks?. In: EURAM 2011 - 11th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Tallinn, 1 June 2011.
- Mena C, Yurt O, Terry L & Williams A (2010) Managing Waste in the UK Food Supply Chain: A Focus on Retailer-Supplier Relationships. In: EURAM 2010 - 10th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Rome, 19 May 2010.
- Mena C (2009) Global Sourcing: Risk and Environmental Implications. In: POMS 20th Annual Conference, Orlando.
- Baker M, Mena C & van Hoek R (2009) Progressing Ethical Trading: The importance of a multiple stakeholder perspective. In: CSCMP Annual Conference, Illinois, 18 September 2009.
- Mena C, Christopher M, Jia & F (2008) Innovation in UK Logistics: Enablers and Inhibitors. In: Logistics Research Network Conference, 2008, Liverpool, 10 September 2008.
- Mena C, Palmer A, Christopher M, Khan O & Jia F (2007) The Costs, Risks and Environmental Implications of Global Sourcing. In: Logistics Research Network Annual conference, Hull.
- Wilding R & Mena C (2007) Collaborative relationships in the cereals industry. In: Business Relationship Optimisation in UK Food Supply Chain Conference, Birmingham.
- Stephens C, Bernon M, Mena C & Templar S (2006) Application of Supply Chain Time and Cost Mapping Techniques in a UK chilled Food Manufacturing Company.. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2006, Newcastle, 6 September 2006. Johnson M & Mena C (2006) Physical Asset Management: Implications for Supply Chain Management. In: 11th International Symposium on Logistics, Beijing. Bernon M, Mena C, Templar S & Whicker L (2003) Costing Waste in Supply Chain Process: A European Food and Drink Industry Case Study.. In: EurOMA International Conference, Lake Como. Mena C, Bernon M, Templar S & Whicker L (2002) Costing waste in the supply chain: a case study in the food industry. In: Logistics Research Network annual conference, Birmingham. Templar S, Bernon M, Mena C & Whicker L (2002) Supply Chain Effectiveness and Swift Service: A Case Study in a Multinational Food Manufacturer. In: 9th EurOMA Conference, Copenhagen. Whicker L, Bernon M, Mena C & Templar S (2002) Visualising costs in the food and drink industry. In: 9th EurOMA Conference, Copenhagen.**
- Christopher M, van Hoek R & Mena C (2018) Leading Procurement Strategy: Driving Value Through the Supply Chain. Kogan Page, ed. 2nd Edition.
- Mena C, Julien D & Mirzabeiki V (2016) Collaboration for sustainability in food supply chains. In: A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food. Lindgreen A, Hingley M K, Angell RJ, Memery J (ed.), Routledge, p. 214-228.
- Bernon M, Baker P, Mena C, Palmer A, Smart A, Skipworth H & Templar S (2012) Towards more sustainable supply chain management. In: Cranfield on Corporate Sustainability, Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, p. 149-166.
- Mena Madrazo C, Stevens G & Stevens G (2010) Delivering Performance in Food Supply Chains. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, ed. 1st edition.
- Templar S & Mena C (2010) A Framework to Visualize Time and Cost in a Food Supply Chain. In: Delivering Performance in Food Supply Chains. C. Mena, G. Stevens (ed.), Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, ed. 1st.
- Hobday D, Higgson S & Mena C (2010) Developments in Diagnostic Packaging and its Role and Impact on Supply Chain Management. In: Delivering Performance in Food Supply Chains, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
- Yurt O, Stevens G & Mena C (2010) Sales and Operations Planning in the Food and Drinks Industry. In: Delivering Performance in Food Supply Chains, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, ed. 1st.
- Templar S & Mena C (2010) Methods for assessing time and cost in a food supply chain. In: Delivering performance in food supply chains. Mena C, Stevens G (ed.), Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd, p. 243-264.
Dr. Carlos Mena is the Nike Professor of Supply Chain Management at Portland State University. The focus of his research is the impact of supply chain management practices on economic, social and environmental performance. He has more than 25 refereed publications to his name, and his work has appeared in leading journals such as the Journal of Operations Management, the Journal of Supply Chain Management and the Journal of Business Logistics. Dr. Mena has also published two books; Leading Procurement Strategy (2018; 2014) and Delivering Performance in Food Supply Chains (2010). Prior to joining PSU, Carlos worked for Michigan State University (USA) and for Cranfield University in the UK.
Dr. Mena received his Engineering Doctorate and MSc in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick (UK). He also holds a BEng in Industrial Engineering from the Iberoamericana University in Mexico.
- Nike Professor of Supply Chain Management Portland State University - School of Business (2018)
- Member GLORI Global Logistics Research Initiative (2003)
- Assistant Professor Michigan State University - Eli Broad College of Business (2015 — 2018)
- Reader in Procurement Cranfield School of Management (2012 — 2015)
- Director of the Centre for Strategic Procurement and Supply Management Cranfield School of Management (2011 — 2015)
- Senior Lecturer Cranfield School of Management (2011 — 2012)
- Senior Research Fellow Cranfield School of Management (2005 — 2011)
- Senior Research Fellow University of Warwick (2002 — 2004)
- Consultant Bancomer (1994 — 1997)
2003 Engineering Doctorate (EngD), University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Thesis: Toward a Model of Complexity in Supply Chains. The research focused on analyzing and modeling different approaches to managing complex supply chains through five case studies with major organizations including British Airways, Ford, and British Midlands (BMI).
1997 MSc in Engineering Business Management (with distinction), University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Dissertation: A Study of a Multi-Modal Control Mechanism for Optimizing Manufacturing Resources, with Particular Reference to their Impact on the Supply Chain.
1994 BEng Industrial Engineering, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico. Dissertation: Theory of Constraints: A tool for improving efficiency and effectiveness.
Carlos Mena, 2020 School of Business Researcher of the Year
Managing Global Sourcing Risk
Global Sourcing - Professor Richard Wilding & Dr Carlos Mena
How to craft a procurement strategy | Carlos Mena
60 seconds with Dr Carlos Mena - Supply Chain Sustainability
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