Baolin Wang

Professor in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Renmin Business School


  • Renmin Business School



Renmin Business School


  • 1995.04-1999.03 Ph.D., Economics, Tohoku University of Japan
  • 1987.09-1991.03 Master, Economics, Renmin University of China
  • 1983.09-1987.07 Bachelor, Economics, Renmin University of China

Working Experiences

  • 2009.7- Present Professor, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China;
  • 2004.02-2009.06 Associate Professor, Department of Management Science and Engineering Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China;
  • 1999.04-2004.03 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Economics and Humanities, Kagoshima University of Japan;
  • 1998.04-1999.03 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tohoku University of Japan;
  • 1989.01-1993.10 Lecturer, Department of Industrial Economics, Renmin University of China.

Research Interests

Technological Innovation Management, Industrial Economics


Innovation Management, Managerial Economics

Selected Academic Articles:

  • Baolin Wang, April 2016, Local Firms Set up Overseas R&D Institutions for Decision-Making-Ability-Driven Or Policy-Driven?, Studies in Science of Science;
  • Baolin Wang, May 2015, Regional Marketization, Industry-University-Research Cooperation and Enterprise Innovation Performance, Studies in Science of Science ;
  • Baolin Wang, March 2014, The Impact of Enterprise System and Leading Style on the Rapid Growth of Knowledge Economy Enterprises - A Case Study of Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Human Resources Development of China;
  • Baolin Wang, May 2009, Analysis of Competitiveness of Chinese Automotive Industry, Management World;
  • Baolin Wang, February 2009, Industry Upgrading Is a Top Priority for the Development of Labor-intensive Industries in the Coastal Region, Economic Perspectives ;
  • Baolin Wang, May 2008, Reconstruction and Upgrading of Existing Labor-Intensive Industries Is the Correct Choice for Getting Rid of the Predicament of Development in the Pearl River Delta-A New Thought on the Upgrading of Industrial Structure in Dongguan City, Management World;
  • Baolin Wang, April 2008, A Model for the Development of Automobile Industry in Developing Countries, China Soft Science;
  • Baolin Wang, January 2008, New Trends in Enterprise Reform and Lifelong Employment in Japan, Modern Japanese Economy;
  • Baolin Wang, November 2007, Research on the Policy System for Improving the Competitiveness of Chinese Automotive Industry, China Soft Science;
  • Baolin Wang, November 2007, China's Strategy to Become World Economic Car Production Base, Macroeconomics.

Selected Research Grants:

  • 2013-2015 General Project of National Social Science Fund Project: Research on Enterprise Independent Innovation and the Way of Implementation in Open Situation;
  • 2011-2013 General Project of Beijing Social Science Fund Project: Research on the Competitiveness of Bei


  • Deqing Wu, Yuecai Ma, Baolin Wang, 2014, Managerial Economics, China Renmin University Press.

Key community services

  • Member of the Chinese Industrial Development Committee
  • Member of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics
  • Member of the Japanese Economics Society

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