Avi Shankar

Professor, ManagementInstitute for Policy Research (IPR)Marketing, Business & Society at University of Bath School of Management


  • University of Bath School of Management



University of Bath School of Management

Personal profile

Research interests

My research interests are varied but can be subsumed within three broad categories. First I am interested in social and cultural theory inspired critiques of technologies of marketing - advertising, branding, consumer culture etc. Second I am interested in innovative research methodologies that allow us to capture the lived experience of life in a consumer culture. Finally I am interested in empirical studies of how people negotiate, interact and make sense of marketplace cultures and their place/space(s) in it.


Read about executive education


Global Mobility Scheme - Potentioanl Collaboration Visits to NTU

Shankar, A.

1/07/14 → 1/07/15

Project: Research-related funding › International Relations Office Funding

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