Antonio Moreno Garcia

Associate Professor of Operations at Kellogg School of Management


  • Kellogg School of Management



Kellogg School of Management

Antonio (Toni) Moreno-Garcia is Associate Professor of Operations at the Kellogg School of Management. He received his PhD in Operations and Information Management from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and has been at Kellogg since 2011. His research focus is on empirical operations management, with a particular emphasis on studying the effect of new technologies on service and supply chain strategies. On that front, he is exploring topics such as service procurement through online service marketplaces, the operations of peer-to-peer markets, and the interaction between online and brick-and-mortar channels in retail. His work has appeared in leading journals such as Management Science, Marketing Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Information Systems Research, and Sloan Management Review, and has been covered by several media outlets.

  • Areas of Expertise
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Service Management
  • Supply Chain Design and Management


PhD, 2012, Operations and Information Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

M.A., 2010, Statistics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

M.Sc., 2003, Industrial Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia

M.Sc., 2003, Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia

B.Sc., 1999, Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia

Academic Positions

Assistant Professor of Managerial Economics, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2011-present

Donald P. Jacobs Scholar/Assistant Professor, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2011-2012

## Other Professional Experience

Business Development Manager, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2005-2007

Project Manager, Barcelona City Council, 2001-2005

IT Engineer, Amena, 1998-2000

Honors and Awards

Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishments Award, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Management Science Meritorious Service Award, Management Science

Winner of the POMS Applied Research Challenge, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

Winner of the Overall Best Paper Award in the Workshop of Information Systems and Economics, WISE (Workshop of Information Systems and Economics)

Editorial Positions

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2017

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Information Systems Research

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Management Science

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Operations Research

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Production and Operations Management

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Retailing

Ad-hoc Reviewer, MIT Sloan Management Review

Ad-hoc Reviewer, California Management Review

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Communications of the ACM

Ad-hoc Reviewer, International Journal of eCommerce

Ad-hoc Reviewer, MSOM Conference and SIGS

Education Academic Positions Other Professional Experience Honors and Awards Editorial Positions

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