Andrew Wise

Adjunct Professor, Affiliated Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy at McCourt School of Public Policy


  • McCourt School of Public Policy



McCourt School of Public Policy

Andrew S. Wise (PhD, Economics, George Mason University) is a Supervisory Economist, and Deputy Chief of the Industry Analysis Division, in the Media Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He is also an experienced Public Policy Professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown, having taught Thesis sections there since 2009. At the McCourt School, he has overseen nearly 80 Thesis projects, while teaching students how to assess quantitative work, earning consistently high teaching reviews. He has worked at the FCC for more than 20 years in a variety of jobs, all of them involving hands-on policy-making. His main role at the FCC involves supervising the development and analysis of policy options for the purpose of implementing laws passed by congress, which includes empirical analysis, production of options memos, and briefing of high-level staff. He also has participated in the production of numerous empirical studies, reports on the state of competition, and merger reviews. Dr. Wise has also published in refereed economics journals and presented at professional conferences. He also holds a B.A. and M.A. in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, so he is also interested in and acquainted with issues surrounding international relations and development. The sum of his experiences has also allowed him to become an experienced Stata programmer, with some limited knowledge of programming for SAS and Visual Basic. Specializations: Public Economics/Industrial Organization and Analysis/Antitrust Policy/Telecommunications/ Applied Econometrics.


George Mason University - Ph.D.

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