Andreas Leutzsch

Professor of Modern history at Bielefeld University


A Global Historian (PhD) and "Europeanist" (MA, Prof.) by training, I have done research and taught seminars in European and German Studies (History, IR, Economics and Politics); Global History and Historical Sociology; Intellectual History and Theory of History; History and Heritage Education at universities in Hong Kong, Germany, Russia, Uzbekistan and China. My latest talks, books and papers deal with the past and present of "Critical Junctures between East and West", Hong Kong's Collective Memory and Memorials; German Nationalism and Charismatic Leadership; the "Political Use of History and Historical Analogies"; German-American scholars (e.g. Rosenstock-Huessy), and the "Bielefeld School" (Wehler and Koselleck). I am particularly interested in the coevolution of globalization and nationalism; revolutions and charismatic leadership; and the relationship between "cultural" and socio-economic conflicts. Currently, I am a DAAD (acting Associate) Professor.


  • Dr. phil. (PhD) Bielefeld University (2004 — 2007)
  • Magister Artium Bielefeld University (1997 — 2002)

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