Ahmed Khwaja

Professor of Marketing, Business & Public Enterprise Head of the Marketing Subject Group at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education


Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Research interests

Research interests include: marketing strategy; health care markets, innovation and market entry; customer and employee relationship management in service industries; pharmaceutical R&D and retail chain expansion and growth.

Specific interests are health-related consumption decisions; firm size dynamics and spillovers; collaboration in new product development; cross-product spillovers from pharmaceutical R&D; the timing of collaboration in new product development; the effect of employee engagement on customer satisfaction; and effects of moral hazard and adverse selection in health care markets.

Academic and methodological interests include dynamic strategic games; consumer choice dynamics; asymmetric information and incomplete markets; and simulation-based econometric methods.

Subject group: Marketing

Professional experience

Dr Ahmed Khwaja has served as an Associate Editor of Management Science, on the Editorial Review Board of Marketing Science, and as a Co-Guest Editor of the Journal of Econometrics' Annals issue "Structural Models of Consumer Optimization Behavior".

Previous appointments

Dr Ahmed Khwaja's previous roles have included: Faculty Fellow, Yale Center for Customer Insights, Yale School of Management; Faculty Research Staff, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University; Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing, Yale School of Management; Assistant Professor of Marketing, Yale School of Management; Melville Blake '80 Visiting Summer Fellow, Yale School of Management; Assistant Professor of Business Economics, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University; and Visiting Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania.

Selected publications

Blevins, J.R., Khwaja, A. and Yang, N. (2018) "Firm expansion, size spillovers, and market dominance in retail chain dynamics." Management Science, 64(9): 3971-4470 (DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2017.2814) (download a copy)

Gallant, A.R., Hong, H. and Khwaja, A. (2018) "A Bayesian approach to estimation of dynamic models with small and large number of heterogeneous players and latent serially correlated states." Journal of Econometrics, 203(1): 19-32 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2017.04.004)

Gallant, A.R., Hong, H. and Khwaja, A. (2018) "The dynamic spillovers of entry: an application to the generic drug industry." Management Science, 64(3): 1189-1211 (DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2016.2648)

Huang, G., Khwaja, A. and Sudhir, K. (2015) "Short-run needs and long-term goals: a dynamic model of thirst management." Marketing Science, 34(5): 702-721 (DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2015.0939)

Bajari, P., Dalton, C., Hong, H. and Khwaja, A. (2014) "Moral hazard, adverse selection, and health expenditures: a semiparametric analysis." RAND Journal of Economics, 45(4): 747–763 (DOI: 10.1111/1756-2171.12069)

Khwaja, A. (2010) "Estimating willingness to pay for medicare using a dynamic life-cycle model of demand for health insurance." Journal of Econometrics, 156(1): 130-147 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2009.09.011)

Courses Taught

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