Adam Fremeth

Associate Professor, Business, Economics and Public Policy at Ivey Business School


  • Ivey Business School




Ivey Business School

Adam Fremeth is the E.J. Kernaghan Professor in Energy Policy and Associate Professor of Business, Economics, and Public Policy at the Ivey Business School. He is the Associate Director of the Ivey Energy Policy and Management Centre and his research focus is on how firms engage and respond to public policy, with particular attention to regulated utilities and the upstream oil and gas sector. Ongoing research projects include how firms engage with First Nations communities through the application of Impact and Benefit Agreements, the role of activist groups on regulatory rulings in the electric utility sector, and performance implications of dual class share offerings. His work has been published in top tier economics and management journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Business Venturing, and American Economics Journal: Applied Economics. This research agenda has been awarded numerous national grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and he has been named a Fulbright Scholar. He is on the Editorial Boards of Organization Science, Journal of Management and Business & Society. He received his HBA from the Ivey Business School, his MA from Carleton University and his Ph.D from the University of Minnesota.


  • Globalization
  • Utility Regulation
  • Electricity
  • Renewable Power
  • Organizations and the Natural Environment
  • Business-Government Relations
  • Lobbying
  • International Trade and Investment
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Financial Regulation and Liberalization


  • Global Macroeconomics for Managers
  • Managing Energy, Resources and the Natural Environment


  • BA, Hons. Bus. - Western
  • MA, Carleton
  • PhD, Minnesota

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Fremeth, A.; Holburn, G. L. F.; Piazza, A., (Forthcoming), "Activist Protest Spillovers into the Regulatory Domain: Theory and Evidence from the U.S. Nuclear Power Generation Industry", Organization Science
  • Fremeth, A.; Holburn, G. L. F., 2020, "The Impact of Political Directors on Corporate Strategy for Government-Owned Utilities: Evidence from Ontario's Electricity Distribution Sector", Energy Policy, August 143
  • Fremeth, A.; Richter, B. K.; Schaufele, B., 2018, "Spillovers from Regulating Corporate Campaign Contributions", Journal of Regulatory Economics, December 54(3): 244 - 265.
  • Islam, M.; Fremeth, A.; Marcus, A. A., 2018, "Signaling by Early Stage Startups: US Government Research Grants and Venture Capital Funding", Journal of Business Venturing, January 33(1): 35 - 51.
  • Fremeth, A.; Holburn, G. L. F.; Vanden Bergh, R., 2016, "Corporate Political Strategy in Contested Regulatory Environments", Strategy Science, December 1(4): 272 - 284.
  • Fremeth, A.; Marcus, A. A., 2016, "The Role of Governance Systems and Rules in Wind Energy Development: Evidence from Minnesota and Texas", Business and Politics, December 18(3): 337 - 365.
  • Fremeth, A.; Richter, B. K.; Schaufele, B., 2016, "Motivations for Corporate Political Activity", Advances in Strategic Management, May 34: 161 - 191.
  • Fremeth, A.; Holburn, G. L. F.; Richter, B. K., 2016, "Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Organizational Research: Applications of Synthetic Control Methodology in the U.S. Automobile Industry", Organization Science, March 27(2): 462 - 482.
  • Fremeth, A.; Holburn, G. L. F.; Spiller, P. T., 2014, "The Impact of Consumer Advocates on Regulatory Policy in the Electric Utility Sector", Public Choice, October 161(1): 157 - 181.
  • Fremeth, A.; Shaver, M., 2014, "Strategic Rationale for Responding to Extra-Jurisdictional Regulation: Evidence from Firm Adoption of Renewable Power in the US", Strategic Management Journal, May 35(5): 629 - 651.
  • Fremeth, A.; Richter, B. K.; Schaufele, B., 2013, "Campaign Contributions over CEOs' Careers", American Economic Journal-Applied Economics, July 5(3): 170 - 188.
  • Fremeth, A.; Holburn, G. L. F., 2012, "Information Asymmetries and Regulatory Decision Costs: An Analysis of U.S. Electric Utility Rate Changes 1980-2000", Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, February 28(1): 127 - 162.
  • Fremeth, A.; Richter, B. K., 2011, "Profiting from Environmental Regulatory Uncertainty", California Management Review, November 54(1): 145 - 165.
  • Marcus, A. A.; Fremeth, A., 2009, "Green Management Matters Regardless", Academy of Management Perspectives, August 23(3): 17 - 26.


  • Research Assistant, University of Minnesota (2004-2009)
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Trade Policy and Law (2002-2004)
  • Instructor, Ivey Business School (2000-2002)

Research/Course Development

  • Energy and the Environment
  • Renewable Power Investment and Regulation
  • Financial Regulation
  • Asymmetrical Information
  • Corporate Political Strategy

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