Found 999+ experts

Stacey Sasaki

UX Research Manager at Google / Adjunct Assistant Professor of Managerial Negotiations

Paavo Monkkonen

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Aravind Chandrasekaran

Fisher College of Business

Professor of Operations, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Executive Education at Fisher College of Business

Brent Neiman

Booth School of Business

Professor of Economics at Booth School of Business

Tamara Cofman Wittes

Georgetown University

Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University

Abdullah Yavas

Wisconsin School of Business

Department Chair of Real Estate. Professor - Real Estate & Urban Land Economics. Robert E. Wangard Real Estate Chair at Wisconsin School of Business

Shawn Cole

Harvard Business School

Harvard Kennedy School

John G. McLean Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Associate Professor of Business Administration, HBS at Harvard Kennedy School

Timmons Roberts

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development at Brookings Institution

Dmitry Savransky

School of Hotel Administration

Associate Professor at School of Hotel Administration

George Comer

McDonough School of Business

Associate Professor at McDonough School of Business