Found 999+ experts

Patricia Hills

Boston University

Professor of Art History at Boston University

Edward Kaplan

Yale School of Management

William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research, Professor of Public Health & Professor of Engineering at Yale School of Management

Corinne Mulley

University of Technology Sydney

Professor Emerita, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at University of Technology Sydney

Arne Duncan

Harris School of Public Policy

Distinguished Senior Fellow and Special Advisor to the Dean at Harris School of Public Policy

Molly Colvin

Harvard Medical School

Assistant Professor Of Psychology at Harvard Medical School

Nik Dholakia


Professor Emeritus at University of Rhode Island at -

Michele Bailey


Adjunct Professor at -

Fadi Masoud

University of Toronto

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at University of Toronto

Siu-Kit Lau

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor / Deputy Head (Research), Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering at National University of Singapore

Robert Galford

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Managing Partner at Center for Leading Organizations at Harvard Graduate School of Design