Found 999+ experts

Suresh Sundaresan

Columbia Business School

Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation Professor of Financial Institutions at Columbia Business School

Kersi Antia

Ivey Business School

Associate Professor, Marketing at Ivey Business School

Linda Myers

Haslam College of Business

Haslam Chair of Business & Distinguished Professor of Accounting, Kinney Family Faculty Research Fellow, Director of Ph.D. program in Accounting at Haslam College of Business

Stephanie Noble

Haslam College of Business

Proffitt's Professor in Marketing, William B. Stokely Faculty Research Fellow at Haslam College of Business

Edward Russo

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Professor, S.C. Johnson Family Professor of Management at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Susan Brodt

Smith School of Business

Associate Professor at Smith School of Business

Diane Henshel

Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Associate Professor at Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Julia Lane

NYU Center for Urban Science + Progress

Professor at NYU Center for Urban Science + Progress

Mark Muro

Brookings Institution

Senior Fellow and Policy Director - Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings Institution

Gregory Stoller

Boston University

Senior Lecturer, Strategy and Innovation Questrom School of Business at Boston University