Found 999+ experts

Peter Malmqvist

Stockholm School of Economics

Visiting Professor at Stockholm School of Economics

Peter Englund

Stockholm School of Economics

Professor Emeritus at Stockholm School of Economics

Peter Popovics

Stockholm School of Economics

PhDStudent at Stockholm School of Economics

Peter Debaere

Darden School of Business

Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Peter Prowitt

Darden School of Business

Senior Lecturer at Darden School of Business

Peter Marber

Carey Business School

Senior Lecturer (Finance) at Carey Business School

Caspar Peter

Rotterdam School of Management

Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting and Control at Rotterdam School of Management

Peter Pronovost

Carey Business School

Peter Kennedy

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Principal at PRM Consulting Group at International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Peter Chinloy

Fox School of Business