Found 999+ experts

Olivier Dubigeon

EDHEC Business School

José Remacha

ESADE Business School

Assistant Professor at ESADE Business School

Jérôme Creel

Sciences Po

ESCP Europe Business School

PhD in Economics, Professor at ESCP Europe Business School

Directeur - at Sciences Po

Olivier Borraz

Sciences Po

Heba Aboulmaaty

Management School ESSCA

Assistant Professor, Accounting and Finance, PhD in Management at Management School ESSCA

Carlos Ramallo

IE Business School

Professor at IE Business School

Ariadna Angulo Brunet

Associate Professor of methodology in the health and behavioural sciences at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Sergio Postigo


Profesor visitante at Indiana Institute of Technology/Professor Entrepreneurship at Universidad de San Andrés at -

Jesús Avila Casa

Associate Professor at Universidad de Alcalá