Found 730 experts

Sheila Puffer

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

University Distinguished Professor and Professor of International Business at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Beaufort Viviane De


Professor, Public and Private Policy Department at ESSEC

Stephen Davidson

Boston University

Professor Emeritus of Markets, Public Policy, and Law at Boston University

Gary Frazier

USC Marshall School of Business

Richard and Jarda Hurd Chair in Distribution Management and Professor of Marketing at USC Marshall School of Business

Christopher Marquis

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Harvard Kennedy School


Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Visiting Professor of Social Innovation and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Professor, Samuel C. Johnson Professor in Sustainable Global Enterprise at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Robert Rubinstein


Syracuse University

Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University

Lawrence Wein

Stanford Graduate School of Business

The Jeffrey S. Skoll Professor of Management Science at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Isabel Sawhill

Brookings Institution

Senior Fellow - Economic Studies, Center on Children and Families, Future of the Middle Class Initiative at Brookings Institution

Willy Shih

Harvard Business School

Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Management Practice in Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Ariel Kalil

Harris School of Public Policy

Professor, Director of the Center for Human Potential and Public Policy (CHPPP) at Harris School of Public Policy