Found 662 experts

Carey King

McCombs School of Business

Assistant Director at Energy Institute, Research Scientist at Jackson School of Geosciences, Lecturer in the Department of Business, Government and Society at McCombs School of Business

Mike Mannor

Mendoza College of Business

John F. O''Shaughnessy Associate Professor of Family Enterprise at Mendoza College of Business

Duane Windsor

Jones Graduate School of Business

Lynette S. Autrey Professor of Management - Strategic Management at Jones Graduate School of Business

William Wilson

Harvard Kennedy School

Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor at Harvard Kennedy School

Kenneth Boyer

Fisher College of Business

Fisher Designated Professor of Operations and Business Analytics at Fisher College of Business

David Grazian

Annenberg School for Communication

Faculty director of Urban Studies at Annenberg School for Communication

Yasmine Ergas

School of International and Public Affairs

Lecturer in the Discipline of International and Public Affairs at School of International and Public Affairs

Madonna Harrington Meyer

Syracuse University

Professor, Sociology at Syracuse University

William Gaudelli

Teachers College Columbia University

Dean of the College of Education at Teachers College Columbia University

Mark Zoback

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Professor of Geophysics and the Director of the Stanford Natural Gas Initiative at Stanford Center for Professional Development