Found 999+ experts

Jeffrey Grogger

Harris School of Public Policy

Irving Harris Professor in Urban Policy at Harris School of Public Policy

Brigitte Madrian

Harvard Kennedy School

Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Management in the Aetna Chair at Harvard Kennedy School

Samantha Svoboda

Georgetown University

Adjunct Faculty, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University

Yu-chin Chen

Associate Professor at University of Washington

Richard Parker

Harvard Kennedy School

Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Joseph Kalt

Harvard Kennedy School

Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, Emeritus at Harvard Kennedy School

Jay Handelman

Smith School of Business

Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Faculty) at Smith School of Business

Stanley Reynolds

Eller Executive Education

Vice Dean of Faculty and Research, Eller Professor of Economics at Eller Executive Education

Turan Bali

McDonough School of Business

Robert S. Parker Chair Professor of Business Administration Finance Area Coordinator at McDonough School of Business

Neil Nelson

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Intermittent Lecturer of Technology and Operations at Stephen M. Ross School of Business