Found 539 experts

Peter Adriaens

The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Aalto University School of Business

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor of Environmental Finance, Engineering and Entrepreneurship at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Anthony LoSasso

DePaul University

Professor and Driehaus Fellow Department of Economics at DePaul University

Itzhak (Zahi) Ben-David

Fisher College of Business

Professor of Finance at Fisher College of Business

Peter Carnevale

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Harri Lähdesmäki

Aalto University School of Business

Academy Research Fellow at Aalto University School of Business

Jörg Ott

Aalto University School of Business

Adjunct Professor, Networking Technology at Aalto University School of Business

Lars Hendrik Röller


Professor, ESMT Berlin and Chief Economic Advisor to the Chancellor, Federal Chancellery, Germany at ESMT

Dashun Wang

Kellogg School of Management

Indian School of Business (ISB)

Professor of Management & Organizations, Professor of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences (Courtesy) at Kellogg School of Management

Carol Graham

University of Maryland School of Public Policy

Brookings Institution

Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow and Research Director - Global Economy and Development at Brookings Institution

David Grazian

Annenberg School for Communication

Faculty director of Urban Studies at Annenberg School for Communication