Found 342 experts

Daniel Sessler

Harvard Medical School

Professor at the Cleveland Clinic at Harvard Medical School

Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Information Systems Science at Aalto University School of Business

Jeffrey Macher

ESADE Business School

The Florida International University College of Business

McDonough School of Business

Professor Academic Director, Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy at McDonough School of Business

Michael Klausner

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Mark Weinstein

USC Marshall School of Business

Associate Professor of Finance and Business Economics at USC Marshall School of Business

Anandasivam Gopal

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Theresa Glomb

Carlson School of Management

Professor, The Toro Company-David M. Lilly Chair in Human Resources at Carlson School of Management

Lawrence Inks

Fisher College of Business

Clinical Associate Professor at Fisher College of Business

Adam Thomas

McCourt School of Public Policy

Associate Teaching Professor McCourt School of Public Policy at McCourt School of Public Policy