Found 365 experts

Diego Vega San Martin

Cox School of Business

Visiting Assistant Professor at Cox School of Business

Angel Abbud-Madrid

The University of Adelaide

Director of the Center for Space Resources at the Colorado School of Mines / Expert at The University of Adelaide

Julia Devoy

Boston University

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students and Programs at Boston College / Lecturer of Strategy And Innovation at Boston University

Steven Currall

Cox School of Business

Organized Innovation: A Blueprint for Renewing America''s Prosperity at Cox School of Business

Vivian Chen

Nanyang Technological University

Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University

David Besanko

Kellogg School of Management

IBM Professor of Regulation & Competitive Practices at Kellogg School of Management

William Riggs

University of San Francisco School of Management

Associate Professor at University of San Francisco School of Management

Bonnie Jenkins

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution

Shannon Rawski

Ivey Business School

Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour at Ivey Business School