Youenn Loheac

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business


  • Rennes School of Business



Rennes School of Business


  • Economics
  • Microeconomics


  • Ph.D. in Economics, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France (2004)
  • Master (year 2) in Economics, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France (1999)
  • Master (year 1) in Economics, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France (1998)

Research interests

  • Behavioral and experimental economics: Mechanisms of individual and collective decisions and characterization of behaviors
  • Application fields: Consumption (food, health) ; information ; Risk, uncertainty, time ; Human capital (health, education, wellbeing) ; Social interactions
  • Methodologies: Quantitative economics ; Statistics ; Applied econometrics (qualitative data, econometrics of experimental data) ; Experimental economics (designs) ; Evaluation, auctions

Work Experience


  • Associate Professor, Finance & Accounting Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (September 2020 – Present)
  • Fellow researcher, CREM, UMR 6211, University Rennes 1 and CNRS (2007 – Present)
  • Associate Professor, Brest Business School (September 2006 – August 2020)
  • Deputy Faculty Dean, Brest Business School (2013-2014)
  • Head of Department “Organizations and Markets”, Brest Business School, (2011-2013)
  • Fellow researcher, CES, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and CNRS (2004-2006)
  • Post-doc, Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques, funded by MILDT/INSERM (2006)
  • Post-doc, CSGA, INRAe, Dijon (2004-2006)
  • Assistant teacher, University René Descartes Paris V (1999 – 2004)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Jean-Christian Tisserand, Astrid Hopfensitz, Serge Blondel, Youenn Loheac, César Mantilla, Guillermo Mateu, Julie Rosaz, Anne Rozan, Marc Willinger, Angela Sutan (2022) Management of common pool resources in a nation-wide experiment, Ecological Economics, Volume 201, 2022, 107566
  • Loheac Y. (2020). “Faim et décisions intertemporelles : littérature expérimentale et illustration empirique”, Revue Economique, 71 (1), pp.195-207.
  • Loheac Y., Alia H., Bazart C., Bchir M.-A., Blondel S., Bonescu M., Bornier A., Brouard J., Chappe N., Cochard F., Flage A., Galeotti F., Hollandts X., Hopfensitz A., Jacquemet N., Le Lec F., Lefebvre M., Leplat
  • M., Mantilla C., Mateu G., Peron G., Peterle E., Petit E., Raiber E., Rosaz J., Rozan A., Tisserand J.-C., Villeval M.-C., Willinger M., Zylbersztejn A., Sutan A. (2017). “Mise en place d’une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie”, Revue Economique, 68 (5), pp.941-953.
  • Ginon E., Combris P., Loheac Y., Enderli G., Issanchou S. (2014). “What do we learn from comparing hedonic scores and willingness-to-pay data?”, Food Quality and Preference, 33, pp.54-63.
  • Lethiais V., Lohéac Y. (2013). “Introduction au numéro spécial ‘Les Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée 2012’”, Revue d’Economie Politique, 123 (4), pp.465-468.
  • Lohéac Y., Combris P., Issanchou S. (2011). “Information nutritionnelle, choix et caractéristiques des consommateurs”, Revue Française d’Economie, XXVI (3), pp.29-68.
  • Ginon E., Lohéac Y., Martin C., Combris P., Issanchou S. (2009). “Effect of fibre information on consumer willingness to pay for
  • French baguettes”, Food Quality and Preference, 20 (5), pp.343-352.
  • Masclet D., Colombier N., Denant-Boèmont L., Lohéac Y. (2009). “Group and individual risk preferences: A lottery-choices experiments with self-employed and salaried workers”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 70 (3), pp.470-484.
  • Colombier N., Denant-Boèmont L., Lohéac Y., Masclet D. (2008). “Une étude expérimentale du degré individuel et collectif d’aversion au risque”, Economie et Prévision, 185, pp.89-101.
  • Colombier N., Denant-Boèmont L., Lohéac Y., Masclet D. (2008). “Risk aversion: An experiment with self-employed workers and salaried workers”, Applied Economics Letters, 15 (10), pp.791-795.
  • Clark A., Lohéac Y. (2007). “ ‘‘It wasn’t me, It was them!’’ Social Influence in Risky Behavior by Adolescents”, Journal of Health Economics, 26 (4), pp.763-784.
  • Blondel S., Lohéac Y., Rinaudo S. (2007). “Rational Decision of Drug Users: An experimental Approach”, Journal of Health Economics, 26 (3), pp.643-658.
  • Lévy-Garboua L., Lohéac Y., Fayolle B. (2006). “Preference Formation, School Dissatisfaction and Risky Behavior of Adolescents”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 27 (1), pp.165-183.

Presentations of Refereed Papers


  • Leplat M., Lohéac Y., Teillet E. Preferences for meat substitute with plant-based proteins: an experiment with real products consumption. XVII EAAE Congress (European Association of Agricultural Econ.), Rennes, France, 29 August – 1 September 2023
  • Leplat M., Lohéac Y., Teillet E. Preferences for meat substitute with plant-based proteins: an experiment with real products consumption. 39ème JMA, Strasbourg, France, 8-9 June 2023
  • LEPLAT Mélody, Youenn LOHEAC, TEILLET Eric. Preferences for meat substitute with plant-based proteins: an experiment with real products consumption. 183rd EAAE Seminar “Experimental and behavioural research in Agri-food and environment” (European Ass. of Agricultural Economists”) Zagreb, Croatia, 8-9 September 2022
  • Loheac, Y., M. Leplat, E. Teillet. Preferences for meat substitute with plant-based proteins: an experiment with real products consumption. 12th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), Lyon, France (June-July 2022)
  • Loheac, Y.,G. Branellec, J.-M. Sahut. Les décisions d’investissement en crowdfunding immobilier face aux informations fournies par les plateformes. DIF Conference, Digital Innovation Entrepreneurship & Financing, Lyon, France (30 June- 1 July 2022)
  • LEPLAT Mélody, Youenn LOHEAC, TEILLET Eric. Preferences & choices experiments with real products consumption: application with plant-based proteins. 2ème Journée de Recherche Interdisciplinaire « Pratiques alimentaires, santé et territoire), 10 June 2022, Brest, France
  • Jean-Christian TISSERAND, Astrid HOPFENSITZ, Serge BLONDEL, Youenn LOHEAC, César MANTILLA, Julie ROSAZ, Anne ROZAN, Marc WILLINGER, Angela SUTAN. Management of a common pool resources in a nation-wide experiment. 38èmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Rennes, France, 2-3 June 2022″
  • Gassmann X., Leplat M., Lohéac Y. (2019). “Improving vaccination in cattle farming: an experiment on strategies and risk decisions” at 3rd REECAP meeting, Osnabrück, Germany (September)
  • Lohéac Y. (2019). “Money and chocolate as incentive tools to elicit risk aversion, time preference and altruism: An experiment on stability of preferences” at European ESA Meeting, Dijon, France (September 2019)
  • Lohéac Y. (2019). “Money and chocolate as incentive tools to elicit risk aversion, time preference and altruism: An experiment on stability of preferences” at 2nd Winter Workshop – Behavioral and Experimental Economics of Food Consumption, Aussois, France (January 2019)
  • Bazart C., Blondel S., Hopfensitz A., Lohéac Y., Rosaz J., Rozan A., Sutan A., Tisserand J.-C., Willinger M. (2018). “Geographic proximity, information and common-pool resources: an experimental approach with a large population” at 5th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Florence, Italy (May 2018)
  • Lohéac Y. (2017). “Could a nudge change food behavior and how to evaluate it?” at International Symposium “Food choice environments to promote healthy and sustainable eating behaviours – Nudges in perspectives”, Institut Paul Bocuse, Lyon, France (February 2017)


  • Branellec G., Lohéac Y. (2018). « Risques et décisions en matière de crowdfunding immobilier : Etude juridique et économique de la rationalité des investissements » at DIF 2018, Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing, Lyon, France (june 2018)
  • Lohéac Y. (2018). « Incitations et stabilité des préférences : une approche expérimentale en comparant argent et chocolat dans le risque, le temps et en termes d’altruisme » at XXXVèmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Bordeaux, France (june 2018)
  • Bazart C., Blondel S., Hopfensitz A., Lohéac Y., Rosaz J., Rozan A., Sutan A., Tisserand J.-C., Willinger M. (2017). “Geographic proximity, information and common-pool resources: an experimental approach with a large population” at 8th meeting of Association Française d’Economie Expérimentale (ASFEE), Lyon, France (june 2017)
  • Leplat M., Lohéac Y. (2015). « Responsabilité sociale et incitations: partage et don des étudiants dans une framed field experiment » at 64ème Congrès annuel de l’Association Française de Sciences Economiques (AFSE), Rennes, France (june 2015)
  • Lohéac Y., Combris P., Issanchou S. (2015). “Food decision, information and personality” at XXXIIèmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Montpellier, France (june 2015)

Invited papers in conferences and seminar (Academics)

  • Leplat M., Lohéac Y., Teillet E. (2021). “Preferences & choices experiments with real products consumption: application with plant-based proteins” at Food Experimental Economics Online Workshop, Rennes (May 2021)
  • Lohéac Y. (2019). “Money and chocolate as incentive tools to elicit risk aversion, time preference and altruism: An experiment on stability of preferences” at External seminar SMART-LERECO, INRA, Rennes, France (December 2019)
  • Lohéac Y. (2017). « L’économie expérimentale : principes, concepts et applications au milieu agricole » at Conference ERIAH “Comportements liés à la gestion de la santé des animaux – Quelle place pour l’économie expérimentale ?”, Paris, France (September 2017)
  • Lohéac Y. (2017). « Apports de l’économie comportementale dans la compréhension de l’impact des campagnes de prévention nutritionnelle » at Workshop on Collective expertises (INSERM / Santé Public France), “Agir sur les comportements nutritionnels – Règlementation, marketing et influence des communications de santé”, Paris, France (April 2017)
  • Lohéac Y. (2016). « La faim est-elle mauvaise conseillère ? » at 4ème Journée des Sciences Sociales, “Que manger ? Pratiques, normes et conflits alimentaires”, Fondation pour les Sciences Sociales, Paris, France (December 2016)
  • Leplat M., Lohéac Y. (2015). « Responsabilité sociale et incitations : partage et don des étudiants dans une framed field experiment » at Workshop Applied Microeconomics CREM / SMART-LERECO, Rennes, France (April 2015)

Invited papers in conferences and seminar (Professionals / General public)

  • Chedotal C., Lohéac Y. (2019). « Mécanismes de décision et nudge marketing : mise en œuvre des sciences du comportement » at Conférence du réseau Breizh Marketing Akademi, Brest, France (October 2019)
  • Lohéac Y. (2018). « Combien êtes-vous prêt à payer pour… ? Expérimentations pour mesurer les valeurs attribuées aux aliments » at Annuel Meeting Valorial – Success Fooday “La fabrique des opinions alimentaires : comprendre pour influencer”, Pacé, France (December 2018)
  • Lohéac Y. (2018). « Alimentation et longues maladies (cancers, diabètes), point de vue des sciences sociales » at Workshop Valorial’Connection “Que ton alimentation soit ta première médecine”, Valorial, Brest, France (September 2018)
  • Le Porcher H., Le Stunff C., Lohéac Y. (2018). “Le Numérique au service de l’alimentation et de la santé : fait-il maigrir ou grossir ?” at Workshop Aliments & Santé, 12ème édition, La Rochelle, France (June 2018)
  • Lohéac Y. (2016). « Nature et dynamique du marché « sans gluten », pour quelles attentes consommateurs ? » at Journée professionnelle sur le territoire des industries agroalimentaires, “Le gluten en moins, des perspectives en plus ?”, Ialys, Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille, Quimper, France (October 2016)

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements


  • Chédotal C., Lohéac Y. (2022). “Comment les nudges influencent les comportements alimentaires ?”, in Crié D., Gallopel-Morvan K. (coord.), Marketing social et nudges, Editions E.M.S., 408p, pp.175-182 (chapitre 14).
  • Lohéac Y. (2017). “La faim est-elle mauvaise conseillère ?”, in Dubet F. (Ed.), Que manger ? Pratiques, normes et conflits alimentaires, Editions La Découverte / Fondation pour les Sciences Sociales, pp.136-150.
  • INSERM, Blanc N., Courbet D., Déplaude M.-O., Droulers O., Garde A., Girandola F., Gurviez P., Lohéac Y., Werle C.O.C. (2017). Agir sur les comportements nutritionnels. Réglementation, marketing et influence des communications de santé. Collection Expertise collective. Montrouge: EDP Sciences.
  • Lohéac Y., Issanchou S. (2007). “Using auctions to estimate prices and value of food products”, in MacFie H. (Ed.), Consumer-led food product development, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, pp.471-491.

Professional or public journals

  • Lohéac Y. (2020). “Quand la faim justifie les moyens : comment expliquer les craintes infondées de pénurie alimentaire ?”, The Conversation, May 24 []
  • Chedotal C., Lohéac Y. (2020). “Nudge marketing, la mise en œuvre des sciences du comportement”, La Revue de l’Observatoire des IAA, n°136, pp.14-16 (February).

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