Yelin Zhang

Assistant Professor Of Finance


Dr. Yelin Zhang teaches Principals of Finance at undergraduate level, Advanced Corporate Finance and Alternative Investments in Financial Markets at graduate level.

Dr. Zhang’s research interest covers corporate finance, entrepreneurial finance, and financial markets. His research works are published in Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions &Money, Small Business Economics, Emerging Markets Review and Oxford Review of Economic Policy. He has presented scholarly works at Northern Finance Association annual meeting, Financial Management Association international conference, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Small Business Economics entrepreneurship conference and Canadian Law and Economics Association’s Annual Conference.

Dr. Zhang’s expertise in finance allows him to serve frequently as a referee for internationally reputable journals and academic conferences, including the Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, British Journal of Management, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance and Financial Management Association International Annual Meeting, among others.

Education & Curriculum Vitae

  • Ph.D.,Finance, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada
  • M.S., Finance, Auburn University, USA
  • B.S., Material Science and Control Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Journal Publications:

  • Quality Revealing Versus Overstating in Equity Crowdfunding, with Sofia Johan, Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming
  • The Role of Diligence in Crowdfunding Platforms, with Douglas Cumming and Sofia Johan, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 108, November 2019, 105661
  • What is mutual fund flow?, with Douglas Cumming and Sofia Johan, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Volume 62, September 2019
  • Public policy towards entrepreneurial finance: spillovers and the scale-up gap, with Douglas Cumming and Sofia Johan, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 34, Issue 4, September 2018
  • Governance in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Venture Capitalists vs. Technology Parks, with Douglas Cumming and Jochen Christian Werth, Small Business Economics, 2017
  • Alternative Investments in Emerging Markets: A Review and New Trends, with Douglas Cumming, Emerging Markets Review, Volume 29, December 2016

Other Publications:

  • Chapter "Collaboration in Entrepreneurial Finance”, with Douglas Cumming and Sofia Johan, The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration, Oxford University Press; ISBN: 9780190633899, September 2019
  • 2016 Alternative Finance Crowdfunding in Canada (Industry Report), as Primary Research Team Member, National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association of Canada, December 13, 2016
  • A Dissection of Mutual Fund Fees, Flows and Performance, with Douglas Cumming and Sofia Johan, The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), October 22, 2015

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